Page 65 of Grim

“Not a chance,” Jenna scoffed as she motioned her hand over her hips. “Besides, nobody wants to see all this.”

“You’re crazy. The guys would flip over you.” Star turned to Lawson as she pushed, “Wouldn’t they?”

“We’ll never know.” He gave Star a look, signaling her to let it go, then added, “You ladies enjoy the rest of your night.”

“You, too!”

Lawson took my hand in his and led me outside. When we got to the parking lot, I was surprised to see that his bike was gone and had been replaced with his truck. “Whoa. Where’s your Harley?”

“Not safe for you to ride when you’ve been drinking.”

“But how’d this get here?”

“I had a prospect bring it over.”

“And they all just do whatever you tell them to?”

He opened the door and waited for me to get inside as he answered, “Pretty much.”

“That would be kind of nice.”

“It has its moments.”

Once I was settled and buckled in, he closed the door, walked over, and got in next to me. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes for just a second, and the next thing I knew, I was in Lawson’s arms as he was carrying me up the front steps of his house. I let out a little sigh and rolled my head to his shoulder. “You’re so strong and handsome. Why did it have to take so long for me to find you?”

“I’ve asked myself the same about you.”

I would’ve pushed him to tell me more, but the alcohol had blurred my thoughts, and I was fighting to keep myself from passing back out. He carried me into his bedroom and laid me down on the mattress. I was barely hanging on as I kicked off my boots and rolled to my side. “Hold on. Need to get those jeans off ya.”

“Are you trying to take advantage of me?”

“No, afraid not.” He placed his hands on my hips and rolled me to my back. He started unfastening the buttons as he said, “But tomorrow morning is gonna be a different story.”

“Mmmm, I like the sound of that.”

“I’m gonna get you some water and a couple of Tylenol.” I sat up and lifted my hips as he slipped off my pants. “You need to take them before you go to sleep.”

“You’re always soooo serious.”

“Just looking out for you, babe.”

“Babe, hmmm... I like it when you call me that.” I giggled. “It’s sex-xy.”

“Is that right?”

“Um-hmm. You’re sexy when you cook breakfast, too.”

He stepped over to his dresser and grabbed a fresh t-shirt, then brought it over to me as he said, “You’re a goofy drunk.”

“I’m not drunk.” I pulled off my top and bra, then waited as Lawson slipped it over my head. “I’m just a little tipsy.”

“You were tipsy about four shots ago. Now, you’re toast.”

“Mm. Toast sounds gooood.” I grabbed the edge of the covers and pulled them over my legs before falling back on my pillow. “With some butter and some grape jelly.”

“I’m gonna go get that water and Tylenol.”

“The girls said you’re scary. I mean... I get it. You can be.” I rambled when I drank, and my words were barely even words as I muttered, “But they don’t see what I see.”