Page 44 of Grim

“It’ll be done in a blink.”

“We’ll see about that.” His smile faded as he said, “Goose mentioned that you’ve got Clayborn’s sister staying over at your place.”

“She is.”

“Her brother killed Beck.”

“She might’ve been his sister, but there was no love lost when he died. He was a piece of shit, and she knew it.”

“But blood is blood.”

“Come meet her.”


“You heard me. Come meet her, and then come at me with the whole blood is blood shit.”

“And if I think you should put her out?”

“You won’t.”

“But if I do?”

The thought brought an unexpected unease, but Memphis was my brother. If he wanted her gone, then I’d have no choice but to put her out. “Then, she goes.”

“Alright, then. When do I meet her?”

“Just say the word.”

He gave me a nod, then turned his attention back to the road ahead.


It was always something.

The club was only a few miles away from the Vault, so it didn’t take us long to drive over. It wasn’t even dark yet, and the lot was already filling up. Memphis and I parked and then headed inside. As soon as we walked through the door, I started scanning the room, taking note of who was there and what they were doing, while Memphis paid his respects to a couple of our regulars. I gave him a minute, and then we started through the crowd.

“Everything looks to be running smooth.”

“So, it seems.”

Memphis and I continued towards the back, where several of the dancers were talking among themselves. We had twenty or more girls who worked various shifts throughout the week. They were all good girls, but there were a couple who stood out above all the rest—like Star and Nikki. They’d been working with us for several years and knew all the ins and outs of the club.

They also knew our expectations, so I wasn’t surprised when they both stopped talking the second they saw us walking towards them. Their backs straightened, and their expressions were a mix of respect and curiosity as they listened to me say, “Evening, ladies.”

“Hey, Grim,” Star replied. “How’s it going?”

“Can’t complain.” Star was a pretty redhead with the greenest eyes I’d ever seen and a killer figure. She was wearing a silver getup with a tiny halter and an even smaller skirt, and it looked damn good on her. “You’re looking good today.”

“Thanks.” She smiled. “I borrowed it from Casey Jo.”

“It suits you.”

Nikki’s blue eyes widened as she stepped over to Memphis and gasped, “What happened to your hand?”

And just like I expected, the rest of the girls rushed over and started fretting over him like he’d lost a damn leg or something. They had their hands all over him, doting like he was their man, and Memphis was eating it up. It gave him the distraction he needed, so I just stepped back and let him have his moment.

He played along for a bit but eventually stepped back and said, “Ladies, ladies. I’m good. I just let my temper get the best of me. Consider it a lesson learned.”