Page 41 of Grim

“The change is your compensation.”

“There’s over a hundred dollars there.”

“And it’s yours.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Take the damn money, Jenna.”

“Okay, fine, but...”

Before I could finish my thought, he announced, “We’re going over to Rosie’s today.”


“The bar I told you about.”

“What about Luna?”

“Skid is on his way over. He can keep an eye on her until we get back.”

While I liked Skid, I barely knew him, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about him watching Luna. “I don’t know.”

“It’ll be fine. Skid’s a good guy. Besides, we won’t be gone long.”

“Okay. If you’re sure.”

“Wouldn’t leave her with him if I wasn’t.”

For reasons I couldn’t explain, I trusted Grim, even with my precious daughter, so I agreed, and half an hour later, we were pulling into the bar’s parking lot. I put on my best smile as I followed Grim inside. Rosie’s was small, with just a few booths along the wall and a couple of tables scattered about. It was a bit rough around the edges, but folks seemed to like it. There wasn’t an empty seat in sight, and it wasn’t even dark yet.

When we reached the bar, I spotted an elderly man with short gray hair and dark, square glasses. He was wearing a long-sleeved, black t-shirt with washed-out jeans and boots, and he didn’t seem to be in any hurry as he shuffled from one end of the bar to the other. From the way Grim had described him, I could only assume that he was Jud—the owner of the bar.

As soon as he spotted Grim, he smiled and started over to us. “Well, I’ll be... I didn’t expect to see you back here so soon.”

“I told you I was coming.”

“Yeah, well, you were three sheets to the wind when you told me that.”

“Meant it just the same.” Grim motioned his head over to me. “This is Jenna. She’s the girl I told you about.”

“Pretty little thing.” He straightened his back and leaned to the side, trying to get a better look at me, then said, “You ever worked in a bar before?”

“No, sir, but I’m a quick learner. Just tell me what you need me to do, and I’ll do it.”

“Hm-hmm.” Jud turned his attention back to Grim. “You think she can handle it?”

“Wouldn’t have brought her here if I didn’t.” Grim cocked his head. “But there’s a catch.”

“Of course there is.”

“She’s got a kid.” Grim sounded hopeful as he said, “I was thinking Stacie could keep an eye on her while she was working. I’d make it worth her while.”

“Wait,” I interrupted. “Who’s Stacie?”

“She’s my granddaughter,” Jud answered. “She’s been living in the apartment upstairs since the accident, and it doesn’t look like she’ll be leaving any time soon.”

“Still not gettin’ out?”