“Yeah, it has been, especially for Preacher and Memphis.”
“I sure hate that. Give Preacher our condolences, and remember, we’re here if you need us.”
“Thanks, Roost. I’ll be sure to let Prez know you called.”
After I hung up the phone, I made my way back over to Prez and told him about Rooster calling. I told him about the message Beckett had sent and what Rooster had told him. I could tell from his expression that it meant a lot to him that Rooster had tried to get through to him.
But he didn’t say anything.
He simply turned and walked out of the room.
I got it. He needed a minute. I needed one, too but I needed to check in with Shep first. I made my way over to him, and he was still hacking away at the laptop when I peered over his shoulder. “How’s it looking?”
“It’s all good. We did it.” Shep glanced over his shoulder. “But I found something you might be interested in.”
“Yeah, it turns out that Clayborn had a sister.” After pushing a few keys, Jenna’s picture came up on his screen. She was younger and her hair was darker, but it was her. “And looks like she might’ve been staying at his place with her daughter.”
“She was. We found her there.”
“So, she’s the one you took over to your place?”
“Yeah, that’s her.”
“You think we’re gonna have a problem?”
“No way I can answer that.” I sounded like a fucking asshole. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking letting this chick and her kid into my home, but what was done was done. I didn’t want to make matters worse, so I told him, “Find out everything you can on her and get it to me within the hour.”
“You got it.”
I gave him a pat on the shoulder, and as I started out of the room, I told him, “Appreciate it, brother.”
I was still amped up and needing to wind down. I considered heading to the bar, but I knew there was only one thing that was going to knock off the edge. And that was paying Ruben a visit, so I made my way out back, where my interrogation rooms were located.
As I walked up to the first two-way mirrored glass, I caught a glimpse of myself, and it occurred to me that I’d never seen God. But right then, at that very moment, I saw the devil staring back at me.
I’d seen him every time I walked into that room, and today was no different.
I looked at him for a moment, then shook it off and continued inside. There, I found Ruben bound to a table with his arms pulled tightly over his head and his legs spread wide. He heard me coming towards him and tried to raise his head, but it was taped down to the table. I remained out of his view as I told him, “We meet again.”
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll let me go.”
“Not gonna happen.” I placed my hand on one of the bandages covering his bullet wounds and pressed down on it firmly, causing him to bellow out in agony. “Looks like doc’s been in to see ya.”
“Why the fuck you wanna patch me if you’re just gonna end up killin’ me?”
“Like I told you before. We’re gonna spend some quality time together. I’m going to make you feel every ounce of pain you’ve inflicted on others. Every. Fucking. Ounce.”
“My boys will come for me, and when they do, you’re as good as dead.”
“No one’s coming for you,” I scoffed. “Your boys are dead. Every last one of them.”
“You sick motherfucker.”
“You’re right. I am.” I wanted him to get better. It was the only way he would live through the hell I had planned for him, but I couldn’t stop myself from slamming my fist into one of his wounds. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll wish you’d never laid eyes on that girl. And you’ll sure as hell wish you’d never killed our boy. You can count on that.”
I knew I’d kill him if I stayed in that room, so I left things there and headed straight for the bar. My heart was still pounding with frustration as I made my way over to the counter and grabbed a beer. I wasn’t surprised to find that the place was packed with brothers and hang arounds. We’d had an eventful day, and like me, they were looking to blow off some steam.