I got out of the car and grabbed Luna from the backseat, then followed the men over to their SUV. I had every reason to be completely terrified, but I wasn’t. These men seemed different than Steven and his friends. None of them would’ve given two shits about me and Luna going to a shelter. For that matter, they would’ve been happy to see us go—as long as I did a stupid drop along the way.
I had no idea who these men were or what they were about, but something in my gut told me I’d be better off with them than in some shelter. As soon as we were settled inside the SUV, Luna looked up at me with worry in her eyes and whispered, “I don’t wanna go.”
“It’s okay.” I reached over and placed my hand on hers, squeezing it gently. “Momma’s here. I won’t let anything happen.”
I glanced over to the two men in the front seat and then to the man to my left, and while they all three looked intimidating as hell, I felt oddly safe with them. I prayed I wasn’t wrong; otherwise, Luna and I could be worse off than we were before, and I didn’t think that was possible.
“You know, we could just give her some cash and drop ‘em off at a hotel somewhere.”
“Yeah, we could, but we’re not. At least, not yet.”
“What about Prez?”
“What about him?”
“You gonna tell him about the girls or let it ride?”
I’d called Prez right before we torched Clayborn’s place and told him that we’d gotten our two guys and were on our way back. I’d made no mention of Jenna or her daughter, and Ghost knew it. He also knew I didn’t keep secrets, especially from Prez.
I glanced up at my review mirror, and my stomach did a nosedive when I found two sets of dark eyes staring right back at me. They were scared, and I couldn’t really blame them. They had no idea who we were or where we were truly taking them.
I wanted to assure them both that they were safe, but I doubted they would believe me. So, I turned my attention to Ghost as I told him, “I’ll tell Prez everything as soon as we get them to the house.”
“How long are you planning on keeping them there?”
“You’ll know when I know. Now, how ‘bout you get off my fucking back?”
“Sorry, brother. I was just...”
“I know what you were doing.” He was just trying to look out for me, so I softened my tone as I said, “And I’m telling you it’s not necessary.”
I was eager to get these two dropped off, so I pressed my foot against the accelerator and sped over to my house. It wasn’t long before my driveway came into view. My place wasn’t fancy by any means. It was a brick ranch-style house with a wrap-around front porch. That was about all it had going for it.
There were four bedrooms, but I only used the master. It had a decent-sized living room with a sofa and a recliner, and there was a large flat screen hanging over the fireplace. The kitchen was alright. It needed some updating, but I was rarely there and hadn’t taken the time to do anything with it.
The other rooms were basically empty—other than a bed and few random boxes of shit I never put away. Needless to say, I wasn’t worried about anyone messing up the place, especially when it came to this chick and her kid. They both looked relatively harmless, and I had no intention of them staying more than a couple of days—just long enough for me to figure out what to do with them.
When I pulled into the drive, Skid was already there and waiting on the front steps. I got out, grabbed the garbage bags full of Jenna’s stuff, and carried them over to the porch. I could tell by Skid’s expression that he was wondering why I’d called him there.
We had other prospects, but he was the only one I trusted to not only watch over Jenna and her daughter, but to be in my house. He knew my expectations and would abide by them better than any of the others. I handed him the key to the house as I told him, “Got a lady and her kid that’s gonna be staying here for a couple of days, and I want you to watch over them while they’re here.”
“Okay. I can do to that.”
“Her name’s Jenna, and the kid’s Luna. That’s about all we know about them so keep a close eye on them. There’s food in the fridge but get them more if they need it.”
“You got it.”
“If anything comes up—and I mean anything, call me.”
I motioned my hand, signaling for them to get out. Seconds later, the door opened, and the beautiful brunette got out with her daughter. As soon as they started walking towards us, Skid gasped, “Holy shit. She’s a fucking stunner.”
He was right.
She was indeed stunning.
And she didn’t even have to work at it.