Page 44 of Puck Buddies

I kissed her instead, and ran my hands through her hair. She felt so warm against me, so good. So right. A tide of feeling rose in me, a deep surge of need. Once I asked her to stay… once I asked her, she’d answer. She’d say yes or no, and our lives would change. I needed her, all of her, before I risked losing her. Before I bet everything on her saying yes.

“Come to bed.” I took her by the hand. She moved in for a kiss and trapped our joined hands between us. It hurt just a little, where her rings dug into my chest. I leaned into the pain and into her kiss, and the fall of her hair, how it tickled my cheek.

She pulled back to whisper, “Your room or mine?”

“Mine,” I said, hoarse, and backed us both down the hall. I pushed all thoughts of the future out of my head, all thoughts of the past, any moment but this one. All I wanted and needed was Izzy in my arms, her lips on my lips, her legs wrapped around me. We sank onto my bed in a hot, panting tangle, and I moaned as she nipped the shell of my ear. She knew my body so well, all the ways to undo me. All the places to touch, and I would see stars.

“Your damn belt,” she groaned, and pawed at the buckle. I tore it off in two quick, hard jerks. Izzy was already working on my shirt, popping the buttons, kissing down my bared chest. I pulled her back up again to look in her eyes, and the want I saw there mirrored my own.

“Stop staring,” she gasped. “Stop staring and fuck me.”

The heat in her voice went straight to my cock, and I did what she wanted. Threw her down on the bed. I tugged her skirt up and she pushed down my pants, and I scrambled on a condom, and then I was inside her. She bucked up against me. I pinned her down. She turned her head to nip at my wrist, then reared up to bite at my lower lip. I thought about nothing, except she was mine. Here and now, she was mine, and that was as it should be.

She grabbed hold of my biceps and her nails dug in. I could feel they’d leave marks, and I wished she’d dig deeper. I wished she’d leave scars, faint crescent gouges, marking me for all time as hers and no other’s.

“Spencer,” she sighed, and my fevered dream passed. I held her close, rolled us over so she was on top. She rode me like she meant it and I watched, transfixed. The moonlight was cold on her lithe, warm body, picking out every contour, every ripple of movement. I slid my hands up her thighs and over her hips, feeling her muscles work as we moved together.

Izzy leaned back and moaned. I closed my eyes. I wanted this moment to stretch out forever, till my whole world was Izzy, past, present, and future. But I could feel it already, my climax approaching, and from the way Izzy shuddered, she was close too.

She whispered my name again and that was all it took. I felt myself hurtling over the edge, Izzy tensing above me as she followed me over. Then she was melting into my arms, rolling off to one side of me, nuzzling into my chest. I leaned over to kiss her and inhale her sweet scent, and somehow we both must have fallen asleep, because next thing I knew, my alarm was buzzing.

I leaned over to slap the thing, but it just buzzed again. I thumped it down hard, and it buzzed. Buzzed.


I sat up, blinking. Not my alarm clock. My phone. I groped for it blindly and found it near my pants. Tapping on the screen to see who was bugging, I saw three missed texts popped up, and an email alert, and my heart took a nosedive, straight down to my boots.

Can’t wait for our interview.

You’re a great fit for our team.

Lehman and Anderson, New York, New York.

I dropped Izzy’s phone, my fingers gone boneless. So, New York was still happening. Why hadn’t she told me? And what was that bullshit about an interview with a local firm? What was that, her safety job, if New York didn’t pan out? And that apartment, moving out, moving on…

She was breaking up with me.

We were never a thing.

The truth of it hit me like a punch to the gut. Of course she hadn’t told me, because why would she? I was just her roommate, with a few benefits. That’s what I’d asked her for. What she’d agreed to. We’d both wanted that, but?—

Izzy sat up. “Spencer?”

“Your phone was buzzing,” I said.

“Oh, uh, what?—”

“I have to go.” I swung my legs off the bed and grabbed my pants off the floor. Izzy squinted at my alarm clock.

“Go? It’s three thirty.”

“I know. I’ve got training. I need to go stretch.” I jerked my pants on and hunted for my belt. “Listen, I’m going to be busy a while. I’ve got the playoffs, our shot at the cup. We’re kicking up training, so…”

“What are you saying?”

“I won’t be around much.” I found my belt where I’d tossed it and threaded it on. Izzy sat straighter, eyes wide with alarm.

“What? Did I, uh… did something happen?”