Page 53 of Devious Vow

“Well,” he rumbles quietly, shaking his head. “This is a new low.”

My eyes dart past him to the file cabinet. Mercifully, the drawers are all closed. But the key with the pink lanyard is still in the lock at the top.

Did he notice it?

“I—” I frown, stammering. “I was just bringing you a coffee, and?—”

“Come on, Eloise,” he hisses. “I mean, seriously? The ‘oops I spilled my coffee’ porn-plot routine? What are you, trying to seduce me?”

Despite my embarrassment, I can feel anger surging inside of me.

“No, You conceited ass! I fucking spilled?—”

“Yeah, you’re just so clumsy, right?”

I glare at him. “Fuck you.”

I shove past him, but then remember I’m wearing a fucking thong and feel his eyes burning hotly into my ass. I whirl, red-faced, awkwardly hopping on one foot, trying to wrestle the other one into my still-wet skirt.

That is, until it’s suddenly yanked from my hands and tossed across the room.

I gasp as I try and cover myself with my hands.

“What the fuck are you doing!?”

Alistair smirks as he steps to the side, blocking my way as I move to retrieve my skirt.

“Seriously, Alistair!”

“And seriously, Eloise,” he snarls, the look on his face somewhere between dark and hungry, “what would your dear husband think of his wife, standing in my office in her panties?”

My lips curl. “You don’t know a thing about my marriage.”

“I don’t want to know a fucking thing about your fucking marriage!” he roars, making something throb in my core. Alistair snarls as he surges into me, grabbing the front of my blouse and yanking me close. “Just as I don’t want to have a fucking thing to do with you!” he rasps, fury swirling like twin flames in his eyes. “Now put your fucking skirt back on, princess. You’re making a fool of yourself and your fucking marriage?—”

“It’s fake!”

The room falls silent for a second. I take a shaky breath, my skin tingling and the whine of my pulse humming in my ears.

“You think I wanted to marry Massimo?” I choke, my eyes blurring. Something inside of me is breaking; walls I’ve put up are cracking.

The cement I’ve sealed the gaps with is crumbling.

“I don’t care, Eloise?—”

“He hates me! I mean he honestly hates me, almost as much as I fucking hate him!” I scream in Alistair’s face.

“Go play victim somewhere else, princess,” he snaps coldly. “Because I simply don’t?—”

“He doesn’t even touch me!”

Alistair’s eyes blaze. His nostrils flare.

“I—I mean—he never has,” I say, more quietly. “Not once.”

His mouth thins to a line as his eyes flicker with something lethal and primal. Then his lips pull into a sneer as he starts to turn away.

“I don’t honestly give a shit?—”