Page 92 of Devious Vow

“Here—let me warm you up.”

Ansel grins as he steps out onto the balcony and shrugs off his sweatshirt.

“Thanks, but I’m fine?—”

“Please. I insist.”

He moves closer, draping his—admittedly super toasty—hoodie around my shoulders.

“Thanks,” I mumble, smiling mechanically.

It’s funny the way things change, and how fast. A few months ago, when Ansel walked right up to little old me flashing that charming smile and telling me he wanted me in The Order, I was smitten. I mean, of course I was. He was gorgeous, popular, powerful, and so cool, three exclamation points.

But things change. Feelings fade. People show you who they really are.

The first incident was when a girl in Junior year, herself a card-carrying member of The Order, invited me over to the mansion to hang out. I walked in looking as cute as I could, hoping to see Prince Charming again.

Hoping he’d tell me again how much he wanted me “in his club”.

I did see him that visit. Unfortunately, he was shirtless and standing in the doorway to his room at the time, making out with a girl wearing the dress she’d clearly gone out in the night before.

That killed the luster just a little bit. A few weeks later, I was unimpressed to spot Ansel at an Order mansion party in a lawn chair on the far side of the pool with a different girl’s head bobbing in his lap.

But what really decided things for me was when he took me aside recently and told me between snickers how he’d heard about my “prank” to frame Alistair for assault. And how he—Ansel, that is—had submitted two more fake reports from “anonymous girls”, alleging the same crimes.

That really, really rubbed me the wrong way. And I’ve been avoiding Ansel ever since.

“No problem,” he grins, nodding at the jacket as he pulls it tighter around me. “It’s part of being in The Order, Eloise. We’re family. We take care of each other.”

“Yeah, no, totally,” I smile awkwardly.

He grins, stepping closer to me. “You know, I’d love to take care of you, Eloise…”

Oh, I bet you would.

“Well, this sweatshirt is perfect,” I say brightly, purposefully playing dumb. “Thanks so much?—”

“Listen, Eloise,” he smirks, pulling even closer. “Let’s get outta here. It’s a pretty slow night back at the mansion. We can head back there, grab some drinks…” he winks in what I’m sure to most girls is a charming manner. But not to me anymore. I’ve seen behind the curtain. “See where the night takes us?”

Yeah, right. The night takes us to his bedroom. I’d have to be an idiot not to see that clear as day. A few months ago, I’d have tripped over myself for the chance to hook up with Ansel Albrecht and would have given him my virginity.

But now?

Now that sounds about as appealing as walking back into the party and striking up a conversation with Alistair.

“You know what, Ansel?” I smile pleasantly. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m probably just going to head back to my dorm soon. I’ve got a long day tomorrow?—”

“C’mon, Eloise,” he purrs, flashing that “charming” smile at me. “I’ll give you a full tour of the mansion. Even the floors that are off-limits to non-pledged members.”

Lucky me.

“Thanks, Ansel…” I shrug his jacket off and hand it back to him. “Maybe another time.”

I’m starting to walk past him when his hand shoots out to grab my wrist.

“You do understand who I am regarding The Order, right? I mean, you understand that I have the final say in who gets confirmed and who doesn’t?”

Oh, I understand. I also understand that he thinks I’m going to fuck him just to be a part of his little club.