Page 90 of Devious Vow

“Show your fucking cards!” he bellows.

I glance at my triple sevens. It’s not the world’s strongest poker hand. But it’s not terrible.

Unless he has better.

Next to me, Carmine sighs. “Fuck.”

He flips his cards, showing nothing.

“Nice bluff,” I mutter pointedly at him.

He arches a brow. “You’re welcome.” He leans in and lowers his voice as he grabs his jacket. “I might ask you to return the favor one day.”

Massimo flips his cards triumphantly, showing a pair of aces.

“Pocket rockets. And that, counselor,” he grins, “is how you?—”

I drop my cards on the table. The room goes silent for a second before it explodes with shocked hoots and catcalls.

Triple sevens beat a pair of aces.

I just won.

Men clap me on the back. Some say vile, disgusting shit involving Eloise that makes me want to punch their fucking teeth down their throats. But I just stand calmly. My eyes find Eloise’s in the crowd, and I dip my chin as she silently mouths “thank you” to me with relief on her face.

“So, you win, huh?”

I turn to see Massimo stand from his chair and slowly approach, looking at me coldly.


“You want to fuck my wife?”

The catcalls stop abruptly. The whole damn room turns chilly as Massimo comes to a stop in front of me.

“Is that it, counselor?” he growls quietly. “You want to fuck her?”

I smile one of my professional, disarming smiles at him. “Take it easy, friend. We’re just playing cards?—”

“Take it easy?!”

He barks the words, sending a ripple of nervous looks through the onlookers. Massimo starts to laugh.

“Take it easy, he says!” he chuckles. “While he plays to fuck my wife!!?”

You could hear a fucking pin drop with how deathly silent the room goes. Massimo gets right in my face, uncomfortably close, as his eyes stab into mine with a manic, psychotic glint to them.

Suddenly, he starts to laugh.

He grins, guffawing loudly and boisterously as he steps back and whirls, laughing at the guests until the laughter starts to spread nervously.

“I’m joking, counselor!” he barks, still laughing as he turns to me and claps me on the shoulder. “I’m just fucking with you, Alistair!”

Holy Christ.

The man is a lunatic.

But the entire room is laughing now. The tension is fading.