Page 80 of Devious Vow

Bullshit. He’s my friend like Massimo is my soulmate.

But I know what this is now. Whatever Massimo is planning for the Roberto Chinellato case, Tony here is helping him plot it.

And I’m helping them execute it, however unwillingly.

I stare mutely at the evidence of my crimes spread across Massimo’s desk in front of me. At what I’ve stolen from the Crown and Black offices. Printouts of photos I’ve taken are mingled with photocopies of other documents I’ve managed to steal, all related to the Chinellato case.

“Yeah, this is all great, Eloise,” Tony murmurs, shifting his heavy-set bulk in the chair next to me. “But we just…more.”

Across from us, Massimo glares at me, as if daring me to make him look bad in any way.

“Okay, but what specifically are you looking for?”

Tony clears his throat, glancing uncomfortably at Massimo.

“Thanks for your time tonight, Tony,” my husband growls, still glaring at me. “Are you staying for the party?”

“Afraid not, Mr. Carveli,” Tony wheezes as he pulls his weight out of the chair and reaches across the desk to shake my husband’s hand. He gives Massimo a significant look. “If she can get…what we need…we can move forward.”

“It’ll happen,” Massimo grunts. “Just make sure we’re bulletproof. We only get one shot at this.”

I stand as Tony exits the office, then linger behind. Massimo glances at his watch. “Okay, time to get back. I need your ass out there smiling for our guests. I think there’s probably enough champagne out there to wipe the scowl off even your face.”

I purse my lips, glaring at him.

“What are you planning?”

I’m so fucking sick of being involved in this. I know Alistair and I aren’t anything more than two people who can make each other feel good physically. I know this isn’t what it once almost was. But still, the toxic guilt I feel burning a hole through my consciousness every time I even look at Alistair is starting to break me.

Massimo smirks. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I think I need to worry about it, given that I’m part of it.”

His eyes glint. “Just keep your eyes open at Crown and Black, and your fucking mouth shut.”

“If I get caught?—”

“Don’t,” he mutters.

“But if I do?” I spit. “What happens to your little plan then?” My eyes narrow on him. “What’s to stop me telling them who put me up to?—”

“I wonder if it’s too late to invite your sister to tonight’s party.”

I go cold instantly as Massimo smiles dangerously at me, his lips curling viciously.

“Maybe I should go over there and personally invite her.”

“You stay the fuck away from?—”

I gasp as he surges around to my side of the desk. His hand grabs me by the throat, hard, choking me as fear explodes through my chest.

“Do as I fucking ask, when I ask it, without any fucking attitude,” he hisses coldly, “and I will.” His face darkens. “But cross me, bitch,” he snarls, “and I’ll duct-tape your eyelids open and make you watch what I do to Camille. Do we understand each other?”

“Yes,” I choke out.

I’m still unbelievably furious with my sister over the lie she told me ten years ago about Alistair. And she might be insane, and toxic as fuck…

But she’s still my sister.