Page 58 of Devious Vow

“Is that his shirt?”


“Oh, yes, Mr. Black went down to the sub-basement,” Eloise lies. “He said he had to ‘work through’ some things. He…seemed angry?”

Good girl. All of that tracks if you know anything about me.

Taylor snickers. “Sounds about right. Oh, by the way, you can just call me Taylor. Ms. Crown seems so formal.”

I can see Eloise visibly relaxing under the desk. The problem is, I can also see the slick wet spot on her panties, and the way they cling to every little detail of her pussy. And I’m still rock fucking hard.

This is a bad fucking idea. But everything I do when it comes to Eloise is a bad fucking idea.

She jolts when my finger drags up her slit through the sticky lace. But she covers it with a coughing sound, like she’s just swallowed down the wrong pipe or something.

“You okay?” Taylor asks.

My finger drags up and down Eloise’s slick cunt again. She reaches a hand under the desk to try and grab my fingers, but I snatch her hand with my free one and yank it away.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine, Ms. Crown.” Eloise laughs nervously. “Uh…Taylor.”

“You’re settling in okay?”

“Yeah!” Eloise says brightly. “Yeah, I’m?—”

She chokes back her words when I slip a finger under the edge of her panties and tug the gusset to the side.

“I’m good, yeah. I know Massimo forced you all to hire me?—”

“Please,” Taylor says easily, “it wasn’t like that. Well, okay, cards on the table, yes, it was a condition of his deal. But, Eloise, you’re a good attorney. I talked to some people at your old firm in Chicago, and they had nothing but good—” Taylor pauses, and I can almost picture the concerned look on her face. “Sorry, are you sure you’re okay?”

Oh, she’s very okay. I’ve just started dragging my tongue up her thigh as I rub her clit with my fingers.

“Oh…yeah,” Eloise breathes. “Totally okay.”

“Well, again, don’t overthink it. Sometimes in life we get a leg up or an in somewhere, and that’s fine. Take whatever opportunity presents itself to get where you need to?—”

She’s cut off by Eloise coughing again to cover the gasp as my mouth presses between her thighs. My tongue drags up her pussy, hungrily tasting her sweetness as her thighs clamp against the sides of my head. Her hand grabs my hair, trying to push me away. But again, I snatch her hand in mine and yank it back to the side. It’s a firm warning.

So is the little slap I give her inner thigh before I start to devour her cunt again.

“Sorry!” Eloise says. “Something’s been stuck in my throat all morning.”

Taylor laughs it off. “Don’t sweat it. Listen, Eloise, there’s not a lot of female talent in this office. And, I mean, if you ever wanted to grab a drink or something, I’d love for us to get to know each other better.”

Under normal circumstances, I’d have a quip or two about Taylor’s abysmally awkward social skills. I mean, she’s an absolute stone-cold killer of an attorney. But her interpersonal skills smack of a robot reading a teleprompter.

But these, obviously, are not normal circumstances. These are circumstances where I am thoroughly distracted, shoving my tongue as deep into Eloise’s pussy as I can.

“I’d love—” Eloise gasps sharply, squirming on the edge of my office chair as her thighs clamp around my head again. “I’d love to, Taylor!”

“Great! Well, I’ll get going.” Taylor chuckles. “Lest the grump king himself comes stomping back up in a mood.”

“Is he ever not in a mood?”

Taylor laughs.

I return fire by sucking Eloise’s clit hard, making her almost jolt right out of the chair.