Page 58 of The Underdog

Little does she realize that I do, too. I might not have grown up in Crawley, but I’ve lived here long enough to know this place like the back of my hand. And the flat she just had me pull up outside of has to be located in one of the most troublesome neighborhoods in this town.

Isn’t her family rich? Why is she living here and not at Ira’s old place?

“Oi!” I hear a loud voice call out as Delaney takes the liberty of stepping out of the car and stretching her arms up into the air. It’s an action that prompts her midriff to make a subtle reappearance in my line of view as I now realize I’ve gotten out of the car as well. “Looking good, Delaney.”

“Hey!” my voice cuts through the darkness surrounding us.“Fuck off, and mind your own business,” I snap, the words escaping my mouth in a sour tone before I can stop myself. My chest inflates with a strange feeling. Anger? Frustration?


“Warren!” Delaney shoots her head in my direction, a sharpness mixed with a sense of dismay in her naturally angelic voice.

“What?” I hardly break my death stare that’s locked on the young lads who just blatantly cat-called her from across the street. “I’m not going to let a bunch of tossers yell at you like that.”

“Those tossers are my friends,” she’s quick to clarify. “That’s James, and…oh…” She looks up in thought. “I guess I never asked the rest of them their names. But they’re fine, and I’m fine!” She folds her arms in a huff, her face flushed as the deathstare I had opted to give them reflects back in her eyes, aimed in my direction.

“Friends?” I’m stunned at the revelation as the lads work their way across the street.

“Who’s this?” They assess my frame. “This your boyfriend or something, Delaney?”

Although Delaney isn’t quick to dismiss the thought, I notice her face turns even redder as she shakes her head in response. I wish I could explain why I had eagerly turned my head to see her reaction. To see what she’d say. “No, this is?—”

“Wait!” One of them slaps their friends across the chest in revelation. “I recognize you,” he points right at me with wide eyes. “You’re the Crawfield coach, aren’t ya?”

“Yes, he is,” Delaney proudly tilts her chin up in their direction to sing my praises. It’s an amazing egotistical boost. “And he’s great at his job.”

I have to look away to hide the aching smile I’m suppressing as I take the liberty to unlock the trunk of my car. In the meantime, Delaney somehow manages to break into seamless conversation with the group.

“London…really?” I catch the tail end of their words of surprise as I pull each bag out and carefully place it on the curb, one by one.

“Yep.” Delaney flashes me a tender smile. “We had the best time ever!”

“Need us to help you with the bags?” The group willingly offers as they step toward me. “We don’t mind?—”

“I’ve got it.” I slam the trunk closed, causing Delaney to cock an eyebrow in my direction.

“You do?” I see her suppress a smirk by biting down on her lower lip.

“Mhm,” is all I can speak as I grit my teeth at the sight, grab her bags, and try my best to ignore the fact that her “friends” arestill lingering closely behind her, staring her up and down a little too much for my liking. “Let’s go,” I instruct, hoping it will be enough to pull her away.

“Bye, guys!” Delaney drops the lads without a second thought as she shuffles ahead, reaching the entryway of the flat and jogging up the stairs.

I’m not as quick to follow as I juggle her suitcases in my hands, still slightly short of breath as I reach her floor and watch as she patiently stands outside of her door. It’s late, and the hallway is empty and quiet, but not even the overwhelming silence can overbear the unruly thoughts that plague my mind. The most important being that behind that door is a mattress that needs “breaking in.”

Fuck me.

“Well, welcome to my home, Warren!” Delaney gestures theatrically as if she’s on an episode of MTV Cribs before she starts to fiddle with her keychain to attempt to search for the right key. “Come on in. I’ll give you a tour.”

“I’m not staying.” I’m quick to deny her request despite how badly I’d love to see everything that her place has to offer.

The smile disappears from her face and drops into a frown, causing a surprising pang in my chest. She puts me out of my misery not a second later as she glances back down at her keys, finally finding the right one as she awkwardly shifts in place.

“Oh…okay,” she mumbles quietly, tucking a loose strand of curly hair behind her ear. I hadn’t realized seeing her hair natural like this was by far my favorite. “Then, I guess all that’s left to do is to thank you.”

I stumble ever so slightly at her words. “The bags were nothing, Delaney. I didn’t mind.”

“I’m not talking about the bags,” she protests, taking a step toward me as I freeze in place. “I’m talking about the past few days. For inviting me to your home. For letting me meet yourmom. For taking me to London and putting up with me all day. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.”

I’m speechless.Truly. And despite the million and one ways I could say you’re welcome, I have nothing. These past few days were nothing like what I’d imagined. Being with her. Seeing the city through her eyes. God, it was better than what I was expecting. She’s better than anything I could’ve expected.