Page 46 of The Underdog

He shifts the gear into park, unbuckling his seat belt. “My whole life,” he confirms, his voice smooth and assured before hisattention darts forward—a sneaky face caught peeking through the blinds before they’re gone in a flash.

Warren chuckles softly, playfully rolling his eyes. “Mum always waits by the window for me.” He flashes a subtle smile, reaching for his door handle before he pauses. “Well, c’mon then.” He gestures for me to step out. “Come say hello.”

“Warren!” His mom rushes out of the house in a worn-out pair of slippers and a floured apron wrapped around her waist before he even has a chance to shut his door.

Without needing a second glance, I can already see the resemblance between the two of them. Warren’s got so many of his mom’s features—straight nose, wide eyes, narrowed jawline, though there’s one feature that stands out amongst the rest. One that would lead me to spot her from a mile away.

The smile.

The cheeky expression.

The tenderness behind those cheeks.

The sincerity that follows.

I can’t tell who's the first to pull who in, given that she's virtually disappeared now that Warren’s accepted his mom into his embrace.

Their interaction with one another pangs my stomach, and not in a jealous way. No, it’s a friendly reminder of just how special it is to have someone in your life who loves you with all of their heart. It’s clear to see that between him and his mom. It’s a feeling I longed for my whole life, yet a feeling only one person has ever been able to grant me.


“I missed you!” Warren’s mom smooches him on the cheek. The obnoxious kissing noise and lipstick stain follow as she pulls back. “How are you, my love? How was the drive? Do you need me to put on some tea for you? I’ve got some mince tarts in the oven right now. I know they’re your favorite?—”

The sound of me closing my car door is enough to make Warren’s mom stop mid-sentence. Now, her undivided attention falls onto me as she fluffs out her hair and wipes away some of the flour on her apron.

“Warren…” She looks back up at him in question, though not a single ounce of frustration washes over her flush cheeks. “You didn’t say you were bringing a guest…or should I say girl?—”

“It was last minute, Mum,” he cuts her short, turning to look back at me over his shoulder. “She was going to work all week if I didn’t drag her out here.”

His mom seems to brush off his bothered expression as she nudges him playfully, heading straight over to me and embracing me into her arms.

It’s exactly the bear hug you’d hope for.

“Hi, Ms. Park.” I finally build up enough courage to speak. “I’m sorry to intrude on your time with Warren, but he’s right. I probably would’ve worked all week. I’m Delaney.”

She pulls back, her eyes wide with surprise. “Delaney?” she says my name as if she’s heard it a million times before. “This is Delaney?” She whips back around to Warren.

“Mum…” Warren’s got that impatient tone in his voice, one I’m used to, as he guides his way over to the trunk of the car. It’s like he’s a teenager again, scolding his mom for embarrassing him.

“You know who I am?” I half laugh, attempting to make eye contact with Warren, but he’s too busy reaching for our suitcases, which in reality is an attempt to avoid my real question of “You told your mom about me?”

“Your name may have come up in conversation.” She shoots me a wink as he’s turned away.

I’m already obsessed with her. She’s about to spill all the tea on Warren—over tea—and I’m here for it.

“Ms. Park, didn’t you say you had some tea and mint pies ready?”

“Mince,” Warren corrects me, slamming the trunk shut.

“Mince,” I recoil sheepishly, heat rising to my cheeks. “Sorry. I’m still getting used to some new words here.”

She pinches my cheek adoringly. “Ignore him,” she whispers. “I swear that boy’s got PMS.”

I choke back a laugh when Warren whips his head in our direction. “What did you say, Mum?”

“Nothing, darling. Just how you’ll see to the bags, right?” She shoots him a playful stare.

He nods, trudging forward as she interlaces our arms as one. “By the way…” She guides me inside. “It’s Helen…call me Helen.”