Page 98 of Together We Reign

Freya smacks Kian’s arm as her other brothers shout at him all at the same time. I can’t work out what each one is saying, but they’re basically telling him they don’t want to hear about their little sister’s sex life.

“Enough!” Desmond yells, grabbing everyone’s attention. All at once, everyone sits back in their chairs, silence filling the room. “I don’t want to hear another mention of any of my kids having sex. I’m going grey as it is. I don’t need any more help. Now, Bree, can we get things back on track please before we need to hire a family therapist for us all.”

Bree chuckles, but sits up a little straighter as she takes control of the meeting again. “Honestly, Des, I think that ship sailed long ago. We all need a shit load of therapy as it is. But you are right, we need to get this meeting back on track. So, where was I?” she asks, more to herself than to the room.

I’m shocked when Kel’s the one who responds, since he’s usually the one who sits quietly in the corner, only chipping in with the odd sarcastic comment, which this is not. “You wereabout to go over the plan we came up with for this weekend’s performance.”

Bree nods her head with a smile. “That’s right.” She turns to face me, then grimaces as she looks at Evan. “Can you let me get the whole plan out, and then we can open it up for comments and questions?”

Evan doesn’t look happy with this, but I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and answer for us both. “We can both do that.” He rolls his eyes, but stays quiet.

“One of the stipulations that Evan put in place for the performance is that no cameras will be allowed to be on during the event. The Sheriff agreed that a person of Evan’s choosing could have access to the CCTV room to make sure this rule is being adhered to. We plan on using this to our advantage,” Bree explains, a suggestive smirk on her face.

Kellan takes over. “While I'm in his security room, not only will I be able to access his CCTV, but the main computer system as a whole. From there, I’ll be able to control all his security, but I’ll also be able to gain access to every single one of his files, no matter how secure they are. It won’t be a quick job, but once I’m in, I will have access to it all.”

Kellan looks over at Liam, who gives him a nod before he takes over. “Since the night you came here, Teigan, we’ve been keeping an eye on all the people sold at the auction. We’ve been gathering information on the people who have them, as well as looking for ways to help.

“As you know, there were twenty lots, so it’s been a massive amount of work. But, we have located them all, and we think we’re finally in a position to rescue them.”

“What?” I ask, my eyes wide. The word slips out before I even get the chance to think, and when I remember we promised Bree not to speak until they were finished, I quickly press my hand over my mouth.

Bree chuckles, giving me a reassuring smile. “We plan to use your performance as a distraction. We have several teams all willing to help. They will all raid their chosen locations at the exact same time, freeing all the women and children that we know about. While we free the people at Club Crimson.”

I have to bite my lower lip to keep from saying anything or asking questions. Shane, who normally remains quiet during these meetings, takes over. From the minute he opens his mouth, gone is the shy, quiet young man who I’ve spoken to only a handful of times. In his place is the confident, ruthless mafia family leader he’s been forced to become. He sounds so much older than he is, and my heart aches for the childhood he missed out on.

“The Marcushios have been working on The Baron, but it’s not been an easy assignment. Despite extensive surveillance, including me bringing in some friends of mine who specialise in security, we still have no idea how many prisoners he has in what he calls his‘Dollhouse’. All we know is his security is state-of-the art, and it won’t be easy to crack.

“My friends from Southside Security assure me they can get us in, but it will trigger his alarm, so he will know we’re coming. We can only move once everyone else has, as we can’t risk The Baron tipping off the others. There’s a lot of ‘what ifs’ with our assignment, and most we won’t be able to answer until we’re inside during the raid, but we’re as prepared as we will ever be.”

The whole room is silent, as we all take in how dangerous and full of uncertainty the plan is, particularly Shane’s part. I’m wondering if now's the time I’m allowed to say anything, but before I can, Kellan chips in, like he just remembered something more.

“Oh, about your friend, Lilly… I know you’ve been asking me to track down her guys, but I’ve had no luck. I figured while I’m in The Sheriff’s computer system, I’d make that a priority. I planon transferring all his files over to my own system, so even if I can’t get through them all while I’m there—as I’m sure there will be a lot—I will check when the dust settles.

“I’m hoping to find some information on The Duke. Once we find him, it should be much easier trying to locate what he did to her guys. Our main priority is to get Lilly to safety, obviously, and then we will work on reuniting her with her guys. Is that okay?” he asks hesitantly, like he’s worried his answer might not be good enough.

My breath hitches as I take in how much all the people in this room are doing to help me and the people I care about. I know they were always going to do the right thing regarding the people held in captivity, but going the extra mile to help Lilly find her guys is all for me, and I can’t thank them enough.

“Thank you, Kellan. I can’t explain how much it means to me that you are helping me with this. Lilly deserves a chance at happiness, and if we can find her guys and give them all that… It means the world to me,” I explain with a bright smile.

“Do you have any questions about the plan, Tee?” Bree asks.

I shake my head. “No, I think it’s a great idea. Hit everyone at the same time, and rescue as many people as we can. I like it.”

Evan lets go of my hand and I turn to face him. He’s looking at me like I just grew a third head. “Am I the only one who hasn’t lost my fucking mind?” he shouts. “Your entire plan revolves around me fucking my girl in a live sex show to act as a distraction. Have you all gone insane?”

He looks around at his family, who all duck their heads to avoid meeting his heated glare, until his eyes lock on mine. I raise my brow in challenge. “I remember a time when the idea of public sex would have been a massive turn on for you, Evan. Don’t tell me you’re not as adventurous in your old age?” I challenge, in a jokey tone.

Evan’s eyes narrow at me, and my ass starts to sting already as I wonder how he’s going to punish me for saying that in front of his family.

Kian’s the first to respond with a laugh. “I had no idea this grumpy asshole was into exhibitionism, Tee. I need to hear all about it.”

Kellan jumps in next. “Is that the reason he’s such a miserable fuckwit now? He’s got a massive case of blue balls?!”

Evan smashes his fist against the table. “Will you two fucking idiots stop talking about my balls,” he says through gritted teeth.

Evan looks like he’s going to lose his shit when they start laughing, so I grab hold of his hand again and turn him to face me. Once he’s focused just on me, I let everyone around us fall away.

“All I mean, Ev, is that it won’t be the first time we’ve done something kinky together. I know there’s a million reasons why we shouldn’t do it, but there’s a really big reason why we should. I want to help the girls escape, and if this is the only way I can help them, then I will do it. I can’t do this with anyone except you.”