Page 86 of Together We Reign

“Are you sure you want to do this, Angel? We can take our time. We don’t have to rush.” The words tumble out before I get a chance to think them through. As much as I hate the idea of stopping this, I don’t want her to have any regrets.

“Why would I not want to do this?” she asks, her face flushing slightly as she moves her arms to cover her tits, like she’s embarrassed all of a sudden to be naked in front of me.

I reach up and grab hold of her arms, moving them away from her. “Don’t ever hide from me. I want this. Believe me, I really fucking want this. But I also know that a lot has happened in the years since we were last together, a lot of which we’ve never spoken about. I don’t want to do anything that might hurt you, or that you might regret.”

She lets out a sigh, her lips pressed into a tight smile. “Can you trust me to tell you if I want things to stop, or if there’s something I don’t want to do?” she asks.

“Of course,” I reply, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips as reassurance. “I know we used to play and experiment a lot before, but it won’t be like that today. We built up to that, after we learnt what each other liked. This is like us starting all over again. I want to touch you, taste you, all over again. I want to learn your body like it’s all new to me. I want to take my time with you, to make up for the years we’ve been apart.”

With each word I say, my heart races. I mean all of it. Even though we used to play around and experiment when we fucked, that’s not how it started. We built up to the kinky shit, after we learnt what each other liked.

Our fantasies grew as we fell in love, and I know we can’t go straight back to how things were, but that’s okay. I’m willing to put the time and effort in to start over.

“So we just take it slow?” she asks, her tone raising at the end, making it sound like a question.

“I will follow your lead, Angel. We will go as slow as you need. Do you want to have a safe word, just in case?” I ask.

She nods her head, looking relieved. “Pickle,” she announces, making me laugh. It’s the safe word we used when we weretogether, and just hearing her say it brings all the memories of the past flooding back.

I remember all the times I pushed her body to the limit, wondering when she would use the word, but she never did. With each new exciting thing we tried, she grew in confidence, oozing sexuality.

I loved her more each time she let go and allowed me to give her the pleasure I knew she needed. I’m sure we will get back to this in some way, shape, or form, but for now, I’m just fucking ecstatic she wants me at all.

“Pickle it is. Do you have any new hard limits?” I ask.

Even though The Sheriff took great pleasure in telling everyone that Teigan has only ever been with one guy—me—I still have to take into account the things she was forced to endure in captivity. I need to make sure nothing I do will trigger her.

“I don’t know if it will always be a hard limit, but for now, can I… I mean…” she mumbles, struggling to find the words. I take her hands in mine, squeezing reassuringly as she takes a deep breath. “I can’t give you a blow job. I understand if you want to stop now.”

The words tumble out of her mouth so quickly, I can barely keep up. Her cheeks flush bright red, and she drops her gaze, so she’s not looking at me anymore.

Rage sizzles beneath the surface, making my blood boil as I try not to think about why that’s a hard limit for her. I’m also pissed as fuck that she thinks I would want to stop because of it.

When I let go of her hands, she gasps as she tries to shuffle away from me, thinking I’m pushing her away. Quickly, I reach my hands up and cup her cheeks, lifting her head so she has to make eye contact with me. Her beautiful grey eyes glisten with unshed tears, and my heart breaks.

“Angel, listen to me, and listen good. I don’t give a shit if you never give me a blow job ever again. All I care about is being together, in whatever way we can. I’m the luckiest guy in the world that you want me, and I’m not even thinking about having my dick sucked. I’m thinking about you and your sexy as all hell body,” I say firmly, as I lean in and press a sweet, but searing kiss against her lips.

She whimpers as she pulls away, but there’s a ghost of a smile that wasn’t there before.

“Can this time be vanilla? I know before I used to get off on breath play, degradation, and rough stuff…but it’s been a while. I’m not saying I don’t ever want to try the kinky stuff, as I would like to see if I’m still into it, but I don’t want our first time back together to be an experiment that might go wrong. Does that make sense?”

I nod my head, my cock twitching at the mention of all the kinky shit we used to be into.

Even at eighteen, we had a very healthy sex life, but it built up after us being together for a couple of years.

We experimented and learnt what we both liked, and what we didn’t. We discovered I’m dominant, and she’s submissive. She enjoys having control taken away from her, so rough sex and breath play were always turn ons for her.

We both love hearing the other talk dirty, but nothing was more of a turn on than watching my perfect angel turn into a dirty little whore, just for me.

She loved me calling her names, humiliating and degrading her, all in the pursuit of sex. I would never dream of it outside of our sex life, but that’s what made it so much hotter. It was a side of Teigan that only I got to see, and I loved being the one to bring it out of her.

While she was with The Sheriff, the things he put her through were not in pursuit of her pleasure, and they were done withoutconsent. So I’m sure the lines were more than blurred for Tee, and I don’t want to do anything that may trigger her.

So, even though I’d love nothing more than to get back to the kinky dirty sex we used to have, I care about her enough to respect what she’s been through.

It just gives me more reason to slowly peel the skin from The Sheriff’s bones when we take him down. I will take great fucking pleasure in being the one to kill him when the time comes. I need to make sure Bree knows his death belongs to me.

“That makes perfect sense, Angel. If we get there again, great. But if we don’t, that’s okay too. I meant what I said before. We can go slow, learn each other all over again, before we even think about anything more. I just want you,” I state firmly, leaving no room for uncertainty.