Page 50 of Together We Reign

I almost do a double take when I look over at one of the armchairs and see Desmond sitting there—very much not dead! His wife, Von, is perched on his lap.

He gives me a tight smile, and looks like he might want to say more, but doesn’t. I’m grateful for that. I’m sure we will need to talk soon, but today is not the day.

Finally, my vision is pulled over to the remaining armchair. Sitting in it is a small, shy-looking brunette girl that I don’t recognise. Declan, with Esme still in his arms, walks straight towards her, crouching down in front. She gives him a bright smile, one he’s quick to match.

“I’m glad you’re home safe,” she says softly, resting her hand on Declan’s cheek.

I’m sure the big, broody asshole is blushing, and I can’t help the way my mouth flops open. I feel Evan’s breath against my ear before he whispers to me. I try to ignore the tingles that ripple down my spine from the warmth and proximity. “That’s Belle, Dec’s girl.”

I nod my head like an idiot, unable to find the right words. I watch as Esme blinks her eyes open, looking a little startled as she takes in the crowd of people around here. I move to stand with her, to offer her some comfort, but Evan lightly squeezes my hand, stopping me from moving.

“Hi, you must be Esme,” Belle says, as she holds her hand out towards the frightened girl.

Esme’s wide eyes flick to Dec, who gives her a reassuring nod. “Esme, this is my girlfriend, Belle. Well, she’s technically going to be my wife soon, but I can’t call her that yet—so she says,” he adds with a wink, making Esme chuckle.

Esme looks at Dec like he hung the moon, before dragging her gaze over to Belle, narrowing her eyes suspiciously as she does. She glares at her outstretched hand before tentatively reaching out to shake it. “Are you going to send me away now?” she asks Belle, her voice cracking at the end.

Belle’s eyes flutter closed, and when they reopen, they look glassy with unshed tears. She keeps hold of the little girl’s hand, stroking her thumb along the back in a soothing way. “No, of course not. I was actually going to ask if you’d like to live with me and Dec for a while?”

Dec’s brows shoot up before he rolls his eyes, like he’s not at all surprised Belle would want to help the girl. Esme looks equally as shocked, like she hadn’t expected Belle to say that. “You mean it?”

I hear a few people around the room gasp and sigh at how hopeful Esme sounds. Her voice is almost shaking, and I hate all the people in her life who’ve made her feel unwanted.

“Of course. I can’t promise Dec and I will be great company, as we’ve never lived with a little girl before. I work long hours at the hospital, and Dec works late at his club, but we will make it work. If you want to live with us, that is? And if you don’t enjoy living with us, then we will do everything we can to find you afamily who loves you, that you want to live with,” Belle replies, and before she can even finish her sentence, Esme is shaking her head so quickly her long hair is flying all over the place.

“No! I want to live with you and Dec. I promise, I will be good,” she rushes out.

Belle places one of her hands on Esme’s cheek, and I smile when I see the little girl turn into her touch. “Then you can come home with us, and we will see how things go.”

Before Esme can say anything more, Dec addresses Belle. “You sure you’re okay with this? I didn’t exactly get time to ask you before I did this. I wasn’t really thinking it through.”

Belle just smiles at him, a look of adoration in her eyes. “You did the right thing, and I love you for that. Sometimes the best things in life are the ones we didn’t plan for, or didn’t see coming.”

“We should head home and get Esme settled. She’s already exhausted,” he replies, and right on cue, the little girl’s eyes start to droop before she forces herself awake.

That’s when I notice that Bree has handed baby Nate over to Liam, and is now standing beside me, next to Dec. She crouches down so that she’s level with Esme, who looks to be scrutinising her.

“I’m Bree… Welcome to the family, Esme. Dec and Belle are going to take you home now, but in a couple of days, when you are settled, we’d love for you to come back here so you can meet everyone properly. We’re one big family, and it looks like you are going to be part of that now. So, we’d all love the chance to get to know you…but only when you’re ready for that. Okay?” Bree asks, with a sad smile on her face.

Esme takes a moment to slowly look around the room, taking in all the people around her for the first time. Her eyes widen comically as she sees more and more people. Then her gaze finally lands on me. “If I come back, will you still be here, Tee?”

“Of course,” I say, even though I’m really not sure that’s the correct answer. It’s not like Evan has told me why I’m here, or if I’m staying. But I give the girl the answer I know she needs to hear and hope like hell I don’t let her down.

“Then, yes. I’d like that.”

Before Esme has the chance to say anything more, little Hallie toddles over from where she was playing with Ryleigh and Shane, a fierce look on her face.

She stops in front of Dec and Bree, scrutinising Esme, who is still in Dec’s arms. Her eyes narrow on the girl, and I notice Kellan and Mia both shuffle forward, like they’re unsure if Hallie is about to do something she shouldn’t. I get the feeling this little girl is a bit of a handful, given the way all the adults in the room are watching her.

“Who you?” she asks, glaring at Esme with a pout.

Esme stays silent, so Bree replies for her. “Hallie, this is Esme. She’s going to be staying with Uncle Dec and Auntie Belle. Can you say hi?”

Hallie shakes her head, her lips still framed in a pout. “No!” she snaps, before she reaches out and pokes Esme’s arm. “Eh-may,” she mumbles, trying to sound out her name. “I in charge. You do what I say, you can stay.”

The little toddler then holds out her hand that’s balled into a fist. She looks to have something in her grip, but I don’t know what. The adults around me chuckle at Hallie exerting authority over the new kid in the room, like they expected nothing else.

“But I’m older than you,” Esme counters, looking at Hallie’s fist with an unsure expression.