Page 37 of Together We Reign

The crowd chuckles, and I close my eyes tightly again. I try to claw my way back to my beach, to hold on to the numbness that comes with being there, but as each second ticks by, it gets harder to do.

I’m so lost, and all I can think is that I’m going to have to let this cuntwaffle fuck my throat, and Evan is in the audience. Maybe he’s left? If the roles were reversed, no matter how much he hurt me in the past, I would never be able to sit by and watchsomething like this happen to him. Does he hate me so much that he won’t try to help me?

That stupid flicker of hope I thought died out a long time ago sparks to life. I hope, just for a second, that this is the moment he comes to my rescue. That he will burn the world down to get to me, to free me. I should have known I’m not living in a fucking Disney movie.

Evan doesn’t come. He doesn’t stop it. Nobody does.

Everyone in the audience sits and watches as The Sheriff rapes my mouth. I gag and choke, with tears running down my face as he withholds oxygen from me. I pray for this to all be over, for my life to end, just so I never have to live through anything like this again.

The Sheriff shouts humiliating, degrading things about me. Branding me a whore, telling everyone that I love this, and that my throat was made to suck cock. He reduces me to a hole, and everything I once was, is stripped away. My past, my dignity, my self-respect. All that’s left is an empty hell, covered in cum and tears.

I flop to the floor when it’s over, gasping for air as I try not to be sick. My heart is racing, and I’ve never wanted it to stop beating all together more than I do at that very moment.

Two of The Sheriff's bodyguards pull me to my feet, and if it weren’t for them holding me up, I’d be back down on the floor in a heap. The Sheriff ends the performance, announcing to the crowd that I will be auctioned off next week.

It’s not until the bodyguards are dragging me off the side of the stage, cum and tears dripping down my cheeks, that I see him.

Evan is standing to the side of the stage. I don’t know what I expected, but he has a look on his face I can’t interpret. Maybe I was expecting him to be vacant, the mask he seems to wear nowadays, but that’s not what this is. He looks almost lost.

I keep my eyes on the floor, not wanting to look at him. I don’t want to see the way he looks at me. There’s no way, after seeing what he just did, that he won’t view me differently.

Unexpectedly, I feel a gentle hand wrap around my wrist. It’s so soft, I can barely feel it, but it’s enough to make me look up. Evan’s emerald-green eyes are fixed on mine, and he’s looking at me like he used to. Back when he promised me the world, and I believed him.

“One more week. You just have to get through one more week, and I will win you at the auction and bring you home,” he says, his voice thick and full of emotion.

I shake my head, my heart sinking. “Don’t bother.”

His eyes widen, like he thinks he may have misheard me. “What?”

“I’m no prize. Don’t waste your money. If you’re trying to save the girl you once knew, then don’t bother. She’s gone. All you will win is a body, an empty vessel. The girl you loved died a long time ago,” I respond, and I hate how fucking lost and broken I sound.

Evan’s face cracks, and suddenly, I can see the boy I once loved. He looks young and heartbroken, and I wish more than anything that I could wrap his arms around me, and go back to a time when that was the most comforting thing in the world.

“I don’t care. I promise, I will make this right. I promise, I will help you,” he says, his grip on my arm tightening as he tries to make me believe him.

My face twists into a sneer. “Your promises stopped being worth anything a decade ago. You abandoned me once, so don’t bother trying now.”

His eyes widen as his brow crinkles, almost like he’s confused by what I’m saying. He shakes his head before one side of his lip turns up into the smirk I used to adore. When his dimplereappears, my heart melts, and pain I have spent a decade avoiding floods through my veins.

“You might not think you’re worth saving, but I do. I will always fight for you, Angel.”

My heart stutters at the use of the nickname I haven’t heard in far too long. Before I’m able to say anything more, the broody guy standing beside Evan starts to pull him away, as the bodyguard holding me pulls me in the opposite direction.

Our gazes are locked on each other, despite being dragged in different directions. The smile on his face grows as he watches me. “One more week, Angel, and I’m coming to get you.” He winks at me, his dimple showing…and that’s the last thing I see before the guard pulls me backstage and throws me into the dressing room, locking the door behind me.

I sink to the floor, tears rolling down my face as my whole body trembles. As the adrenaline leaves me, I wait for the fear and self-loathing to creep in. The guilt and disgust I always feel after a punishment. But instead, I focus on Evan. The way he smiled at me, winking like he used to when he was trying to impress me.

The promises he made, even after seeing what I’ve become. I don’t want to hope, and I certainly don’t want to rely on his promises—when I know he can break them just as easily as he makes them. But if I’m being honest, I want him to save me. I don’t see any other way out of this hellhole. I’m just not sure being owned by the boy I once loved is any better.

Igenuinely feel like the last week may have been the longest in the history of the world. I’m pretty certain that every second seemed to take almost a whole minute until the next one started. The abhorrently slow ticking clock, combined with my spiralling sanity and growing rage, meant I was a fucking joy to be around.

Ever since that evening, where I sat by and watched as Teigan was humiliated and degraded in front of a full audience of sick, twisted assholes, my whole family has been keeping out of my way.

To say I’ve been on the warpath is a massive understatement. If I’m not shouting or swearing at someone, I’m stuck in my own head, listening to my brain remind me how much of a fucking failure I am.

As that’s exactly what I am. I just sat there and let it happen. I was unarmed and out-manned, and I know that if I’d have intervened it would have been a reckless decision that would’ve ended badly. I know all the logic, but still, I can’t get that night out of my head.

The way he put her on display like a fucking doll. He humiliated and degraded her, forcing her to take part, to show just how much he’s been able to break her. And don’t even get me fucking started about the way the bastard fucked her throat. I’m going to be having nightmares about that for weeks, and I’m not the one who had to live through it.