Page 32 of Together We Reign

They should be wondering about maybe losing their virginity at a drunken house party, or with the boy they’ve been dating for months. They shouldn’t know anything about rough sex, or double penetration. They should never have anything taken from them by force.

The more these thoughts enter my mind, I can’t help but think about all these girls have lost. They’ve had their freedom taken, but it’s more than that. Their childhood, their innocence, their ability to make mistakes and learn from them—they’ve all been taken away. They’ve been forced into a dark, seedy world that no-one should have to see, particularly kids this young.

As much as I hate sitting through each of these fucking parades, a part of me is glad, because it’s allowing me time to prepare. I know that this is going to happen to Teigan. Fairly soon, she's going to be brought out, stripped naked, and put on display like a piece of meat.

She’s going to be humiliated and degraded, and I’m going to be forced to sit here in silence, just watching. Although I’m using the time to prepare, as soon as she steps foot onto the stage, it’s like all the calm I’ve tried to hold on to floats away, and my anger hits me like a fucking bus.

“And this, ladies and gentlemen, is our final Lot of the evening. Please welcome, Teigan,” shouts The Sheriff, as hewafts his arm back towards Tee, who is walking towards the centre of the stage, her hips swaying from the height that her heels are giving her.

Once she reaches the centre, unlike the other Lots, she holds her head high, an act of defiance that both makes my stomach roll and my heart soar. I’m so fucking proud that the fiery girl I once knew is still there, but it terrifies me to know she will likely be punished for her defiance.

“As you can see, Teigan is one of our older Lots…at just twenty-five-years-old,” The Sheriff says, and my brow furrows in confusion. She’s definitely twenty-eight, the same as me, though she doesn’t look it.

Why would he lie about her age? Does he think she will be worth more if she’s younger?

“Twenty-five is hardly fucking ancient,” Bree grumbles in my ear.

The Sheriff continues his sales pitch. “Let me tell you, whilst this one’s innocence may have gone a long time ago, she more than makes up for it. Despite numerous attempts to break her, this whore has still managed to maintain some of her spirit. I know there’s a few in this room right now that would like to take on that challenge.

“However, for those of you that don’t like a challenge, she’s still a decent prize. She takes punishment well, and eventually, learns to follow commands. But the biggest selling point is that, with the exception of her dirty mouth, none of her holes have ever been taken whilst with us. In fact, despite her age, I have it on good authority that she’s only ever been fucked by one guy.”

As soon as the words leave The Sheriff’s lips, her eyes flick over to mine. I’ve been trying not to look directly at her, so I don’t see the marks littered over her skin. But at the mention that she’s never been with anyone except me, I have to know if it’s the truth.

He lied about her age, so he could be lying about this, I think to myself.

Her grey eyes lock with mine, and whilst they’re duller, more lifeless than normal, I can see the hint of fire as she challenges me. Her chin juts slightly, like she’s trying to dismiss the significance behind The Sheriff’s words. In that moment, I can tell he’s telling the truth.

Why has she never moved on?

Those thoughts are pushed out of my mind when The Sheriff continues. “So, whilst she’s not technically a virgin, I can only imagine how tight her cunt is after not being used for almost a decade. And whoever wins her will get the pleasure of knowing they are the first person to take her by force.”

I growl rips from my lips before I can stop it, and Declan reaches over to grip my arm. I hadn’t realised I was edging forward in my seat until he grabbed hold of me.

“Calm down, Evan,” Bree says softly in my ear, as she talks me through some deep breathing exercises to help me claw back some semblance of control.

I close my eyes as I focus on my breathing, allowing The Sheriff’s voice to fade into the background. I’m vaguely aware of him giving Tee instructions to strip, as he says all manner of derogatory things about her and her body. I keep my eyes clamped shut, not wanting to see her like this.

I don’t know how long I stay like that, locked in my own head with my eyes tightly closed, but it’s not until Declan taps my arm that I open them, coming back to reality. The main lights in the room are on now, and the stage is empty, the velvet curtain back in place.

“The Sheriff is bringing the Lots out now, so they can mingle. We can talk to any of them, but he was keen to remind us all that we can’t touch—no freebies, he said,” explains Declan, as he quickly downs the rest of the amber liquid in his glass.

Picking up my own, I quickly finish the rest of the whiskey, enjoying the way it burns as I swallow. It prickles in a way that makes me feel lighter, and I suddenly wish I had a few more glasses to drink, as I’m sure that would help with my nerves.

“Do we go to her?” Declan asks, looking at me with a curious expression I can’t be arsed to interpret.

“Yes,” I snap, as Liam says no into our earpieces. “What the fuck do you mean, no?”

I hear Liam take a deep breath, the way he does when he’s trying to calm an escalating situation. “If you go near her, you risk giving too much away. She will obviously recognise you, and The Sheriff will know who you are. It could put Tee in too much danger.”

“Bullshit,” I bark. “He already knows I’m here for her. It doesn’t take an idiot to work that out. Tee could have some inside information that we need. At the very least, she needs to know we’re here for her. So she doesn’t do anything fucking reckless between now and the auction,” I state firmly, knowing full well she’s capable of getting herself into far too many fucking dangerous scenarios in the next week if she doesn’t know we’re coming for her.

Bree lets out a sigh. “Evan, you can talk to her, but only if you promise to hold back your emotions. She can know we’re here to get her out, but that’s all. We need her to cooperate with us.”

It doesn’t take long for my eyes to find her in the room. Even after all these years, my body still seems to know whenever she’s near. Like it’s connected to me, which at one point in my life, I thought she was.

Back when I was naïve and believed in soulmates, I was sure she was mine. She felt like the missing piece I didn’t even realise I didn’t have until she came into my life, and I suddenly felt whole. Now I know that’s nothing more than teenage hormones, and the urge to get my dick wet, messing with my mind. There’sno such thing as soulmates, and I’m starting to question whether love is real, too.

Declan begins walking towards Teigan, who is standing beside The Sheriff, flanked by three guards. There’s a group of men talking to them, but Tee doesn’t look at all interested. Her expression is blank, her eyes vacant, as she stands there like she’s not really even there.