Page 121 of Together We Reign

“Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear enough, Les. They need to be off completely.” The words rush out so quickly, it’s almost comical. Les looks less than pleased that The Sheriff would blame him, when he was no doubt given clear instructions.

“My guy will stay here and monitor things throughout the performance, just to make sure there are no other slip ups where the cameras suddenly get turned on again,” I state, sounding so sarcastic, I can see the pride in Kellan’s smirk. “In the meantime, you can take me back to my slut and show us into a back room where we can get prepared. The show will start in fifteen minutes. Understand?”

I phrase it like a question, but we both know there’s no room for discussion. Even though it’s clear he wants to argue, or rebel in some way, The Sheriff simply nods his head and gestures for Kellan to take a seat with Les, before he leads me out of the room.

Just as I’m about to leave, I turn to look at Kellan over my shoulder. “Shout if you need me.”

“I will,” he says with a wink that makes me want to roll my eyes at his casualness.

I don’t say a word as I follow The Sheriff back to the main room in the club. He tries making small talk, but I drown him out. Once we get back to the same table as before, I’m not remotely surprised to find Teigan in the same place I left her,looking like she’s not moved at all. The only difference is that Lilly looks slightly more relaxed, and a whole lot less angry, so I’m guessing Tee was able to talk to her a little. Just enough to reassure her.

“Stand, slut,” I snap, and Teigan rises to her feet straight away.

Her legs wobble slightly from having been on her knees for so long. My instinct is to reach out and grab her, to help her keep steady, but I know I can’t. I need to keep up appearances. I have to grab hold of my trouser pockets to stop my hands from moving of their own accord.

Luckily, Lilly reaches out and catches Tee, holding her until she finds her footing. Tee gives her a small smile before dropping her head again.

“Show us to the back room,” I bark at The Sheriff, who begins leading us off in the other direction.

As we walk through the main room of the club, which is almost full, I watch as men of all ages—and some women—leer and ogle at my girl as we pass. Some wolf-whistle, while others throw out rude or derogatory terms.

I try to make a mental note of each person who pisses me off, so I remember which I need to punish personally. But before we’ve even made it halfway, the list becomes too long, and I go back to my original plan of wanting to burn this place to the ground with each and every one of these sick fuckers still inside.

The Sheriff opens the door to the back room and lets us inside. There’s not much to note. It’s a dank room with no windows. The walls, I’m sure, used to be white, but now they’re an ugly grey colour, in desperate need of some fresh paint.

It’s chipped in places, making it look even more bleak. The laminated floor is so tacky, there are places where my shoes literally stick to it for no reason, and I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to take a shower.

There’s an awful floral three seater couch along one wall that looks older than my parents, and it’s definitely seen better days. Each of the cushions sag in the middle, making it look more than a little well used. There are a few wooden dining room chairs dotted about, none of them matching.

Along the wall to the left is a vanity table and a mirror. The mirror should be surrounded by lights, but over half of the bulbs have blown. There’s some dirty looking make-up and hair accessories on the vanity table. They look so disgusting, there’s no way I’d let Tee near them.

“You can get ready in here. There’s a bathroom just through that door. If you need any kind of prep, just let me know. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that we prefer to have a clean show,” The Sheriff states, wiggling his eyebrows like there’s a chance I might not understand what he’s talking about.

The nausea rippling in my stomach lets me know I very much do know what he’s talking about. The thought of giving my girl an enema, or shaving her intimately here in this cesspit, makes me want to vomit. Given Tee’s pale colour, she’s clearly thinking the same.

“That won’t be necessary. Now leave so I can get her ready,” I snap, holding the door open for him.

Once he leaves, both me and Teigan breathe a sigh of relief, and I waste no time pulling her into my arms. “Are you okay?” I whisper in her ear.

She nods her head, her arms clamped tightly around my waist like she can’t let me go. “I hate being here,” she mutters, barely above a whisper. I can feel the way her body trembles in my hold, and I hold her as tight as I can, sweeping my hand up and down her back reassuringly.

“I know you do, Angel. You’re doing so well. How did it go with Lilly?”

She chuckles, the sound vibrating against my chest. “She was so mad at first. I told her I’d explain everything, but that for now she just has to trust me…and you. She wasn’t happy, but she agreed to keep The Sheriff in the room during the performance. I didn’t tell her anything though,” she adds quickly.

“You did great,” I reassure her.

We take just a moment to hold each other, pulling comfort from the other’s arms, until our peace is broken when I hear Kellan’s voice in my ear. I make sure to repeat everything he tells me to Tee, so she’s not left out.

“Kellan here. I have control of the main security room. All cameras have been disabled, and I’m transferring all his computer files over to my system as we speak. All teams are free to get into position. The show will begin in six minutes, and all teams will be free to execute their plans,” he states clearly.

The line remains silent until Bree addresses everyone. “We will all move on Kellan’s go. Does anyone have any problems? We have to execute at the same time to prevent anyone from being tipped off. So if you are not safe to move, please make it known now.” Her voice is firm and authoritative, making it clear she’s in charge.

The line remains clear, signalling that everyone is ready to go. “Evan, are you and Teigan ready?”

“Yes, we’re ready. The Sheriff is in the main room, and Lilly will make sure he stays there throughout the performance. As most of the security staff stay near him, the back rooms will not be as heavily guarded,” I reply firmly.

“Good,” Bree states, before adding, “Let me make this clear to everyone involved. This missionwillgo off without a hitch. There will be no room for anyone to fuck up, or they will have me to answer to. If you pull off your role as agreed, your loyalty to this family will be rewarded. Failure is not an option. This is the first step in taking out The Aristocracy, and we will prove tothem exactly why the Doughty family is not to be messed with. Do you all understand?”