Page 119 of Together We Reign

I’ve shown Teigan in every way I can that I still love her, so there’s no doubt in my mind that she knows how I feel. Waiting for that perfect moment to tell her is the right thing to do. I’m sure of it.

We arrive at the door of Club Crimson just a few minutes later. Each of us is dressed in accordance with the role we’re playing. I’m in my usual suit, giving off an ‘I don’t give a shit about anything’ vibe, while Teigan keeps her eyes on the floor, standing a few steps behind me, dressed to kill, playing her role of submissive slave.

Kellan stands beside me, also wearing a suit. He looks like any other member of my security team would, and his dark glasses do a good job of covering his face. Even though most people don’t know about Kel, and his relationship with us, I can’t risk anyone finding out who he is.

As far as The Sheriff is concerned, I’m just bringing a random member of my security team to ensure the cameras are off. If he even suspects Kellan is an IT expert, the plan is out of the window before it even gets started.

The guard at the door turns towards me, blocking my path as I try to enter. “Name?” he grunts, looking me up and down in a way that makes me want to shoot him.

“Evan Doughty. Tell The Sheriff to get his ass here now,” I snap, my tone leaving no room for argument.

The security guard speaks into his earpiece, and only a minute or two later, the door to the club swings open. Lilly—Teigan’s friend from when she was held captive here—opens the door, a forced smile on her face. She keeps her gaze fixed on me as she speaks, before dipping her head the minute she’s finished.

“Please, follow me.”

Without hesitation, she turns and walks into the club, as the guard holds the door open for us. As Teigan walks in, I keep her pressed close to my side. I see the way she’s assessing Lilly, looking for any injuries. The concern and guilt on Tee’s face worries me, and I quickly remind her of her role.

Leaning in so only she can hear, I whisper in her ear. “Remember the role you’re playing, Teigan. Lilly cannot know what’s going on, or it may put her in danger. All you need to do is make sure she keeps The Sheriff in the main room during our performance. And ensure she believes you really are my sex slave. Can you do that?”

She nods her head. “We can trust her with the truth, though,” Tee whispers back.

“No, stick to the plan, Tee,” I grind out, angry that she’s letting her emotions rule the situation instead of doing as we agreed.

“Fine, but she needs to make it out of here, Evan. You promised,” she replies, her piercing grey eyes locking with mine, leaving no room for debate.

I roll my eyes. “I will keep my promise as best I can. Now, stay in the role you’ve been practising, Angel.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, she dips her head and stares at the floor, all earlier emotions draining off her face. I almost give her a smile, but I keep myself in check.

We follow Lilly into the club, over to a table in the corner of the room, where The Sheriff appears to be sitting with a couple of other men I don’t know. As soon as we approach, he looks up, his lecherous eyes raking over Teigan’s body.

Without thinking, I move to stand in front of her, blocking his view, and the startled look he gives me makes me wonder if I just overplayed my hand. Still, he knows I’m a possessive asshole, so it shouldn’t have been too much of a shock.

The Sheriff stands, his lips pursed as his eyes remain tight, looking directly at me now. He drags the corner of his lips into a forced smile as he reaches his hand out to me.

“Welcome, Mr Doughty. So great to have you back at Club Crimson.”

Everything about this guy is fake, and the sickly sweet tone he’s using makes my skin crawl. I look down at his hand, like he’s offering me a piece of dog shit. It’s not until I feel Kellan discreetly tap me on the back, that I slip back into my role.

I reach out and shake his hand, gripping it much more firmly than necessary. “Can’t say I’m thrilled to be back, so let’s get on with things, shall we?”

He looks over at Teigan, as though I never said a word, ogling her body in a way that makes my anger sizzle. “Teigan, it’s so lovely to see you again,” he sings, before turning to me with that fucking demented grin. “How has her training been going? I hope she’s become a good little whore for you.”

Keep breathing, Evan. You can kill him later, but right now, you need to just act normal, I remind myself, as my hands ball into tight fists.

Teigan remains quiet by my side, her gaze locked on the floor as we planned. Another nudge to the back from Kellan reminds me to reply to The Sheriff. “Her training is coming along nicely. She’s turned into a very useful little slave,” I reply, the words tasting like ash on my tongue. I turn to address Teigan. “Kneel, slut.”

Without hesitation, Teigan drops to her knees, her hands clasped behind her back, her tits out in a way that arches her body perfectly, while she keeps her eyes trained on the ground.

The Sheriff’s eyes sparkle as he looks down at Teigan, his gaze lingering on her tits for just a bit too long for my liking. Lilly, who is standing just behind The Sheriff, looks down at her friend with a cautious expression that I can’t read.

“Oh, you have made progress. How did you manage to break her? No matter what I tried, she always kept a bit of her fire,” he asks, sounding a little bitter at the end.

“What can I say? Some people are just better than others at these things. Besides, I quite like her with a little fire,” I reply honestly, not even bothered that I sound like a smug asshole.

“Well… I’m excited to see the show. We have a sold-out crowd here tonight.”

Great, a whole room full of perverts we can take down.