Page 116 of Together We Reign


But more than fair.


Please tell me I can see this pic?


So help me God, if you share a picture of Whitlock’s stubby cock remains, I will delete you all from my phone.


That’s okay, because now Teigan’s part of the group, we don’t really need you.


Thanks, guys. I’ve never been part of a group chat before!


You’re not missing out!


You're an asshole, Evan.


I second that statement.


Before this spirals, can we do the communications check and make sure we’re good to go. Time is not on our side here.


Sorry… Test coming now.

Once Bree gives the order, the group chat goes quiet while we all wait for Kellan to prepare the test. I look over at Tee, who has gone a little pale while she looks at the phone. “I warned you,” I whisper again with a laugh.

She whacks my arm with her hand before chuckling. “I like it. They’re a bit loud and crazy, but it’s nice to feel part of something.”

The way her voice cracks at the end, and the hint of a smile that spreads across her face makes my heart ache. I suddenlywish I’d added her sooner. My family may be annoying as fuck, but I’m lucky to have them—although I’ll never fucking tell them that.

Teigan doesn’t have a family anymore, and even when she did, it was only her mum. She’s never known what it’s like to have a big support system, which is exactly what my family is.

They may be annoying fuckers at times, but when it comes down to it, every single one of them would throw themselves in front of a bullet for me, as I would them. And now, by extension, Teigan is part of that. I hadn’t realised how much that would mean to her until this moment.

“I’m sorry I didn’t add you before. I was just trying to save you from the annoyance. I never thought about how much you might want to be part of a big support system,” I admit somewhat sheepishly.

Teigan leans over and captures my lips with hers in a short but sweet kiss. “Thank you. It’s nice to know they care about me as much as they do you.”

Just as I’m about to reply, Kellan—who has obviously been listening to our conversation—cuts in. “Oh, we like you a whole lot more than Evan.”

Teigan chuckles, but before I can say anything in return, the communications device in my ear begins to crackle loudly, causing me to moan and curse at how fucking loud it is.

Kellan’s annoying voice reverberates around my head in stereo. “Testing. Can everyone hear me, okay?”