Page 72 of Together We Reign

Bree tuts at him. “This was the deal. I went over it twice, and I made sure you were happy with everything. I even specifically asked if there was anything missing or that needed to be added. You didn’t have anything.”

“Which is a good job, really, since your wife has been dead this whole time,” Kel adds. He says it so blasé, like he’s talking about the fucking weather.

Whitlock’s face drops, and he scowls. “What? When?”

“She was killed when we rescued McKenna. She was given the option to surrender, but she refused,” Bree replies calmly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Whitlock snarls, sounding more annoyed than sad. Then again, from what I’ve heard, it’s not like they had a loving marriage. I think it was more one of convenience, to promote each other’s image, than one of love.

“You would have been less inclined to help us if you knew we’d killed her,” Kel adds, shrugging his shoulders like that should have been obvious.

“Why do I get the feeling this isn’t the only surprise you’re about to add in to our fucking deal?” Whitlock growls.

Bree’s eyes widen as she smiles maniacally, laughing. “Oh, I will honour every word of our agreement. But I do have a little surprise for you before I let you go. First, Kel, you still want a minute with him before I get him settled?”

Kel nods his head, and Bree moves towards the adjoining door into our room. “Two minutes,” she says over her shoulder as she comes to join us, leaving Kellan alone.

Kel pulls up a chair and sits beside Whitlock. Whilst most of the other guys have an air of danger about them, Kellandoesn’t. He’s funny, sweet, and sarcastic, and he gets on better with computers than people. While we know he can take care of himself, he doesn’t have a menacing presence the way Liam and Evan do.

Yet, as he leans towards Whitlock, his firm gaze locked with his, I can see the Doughty in him. He looks lethal, like he’s just waiting for the right time to deliver the fatal blow.

“I will make this short and sweet. Your wife is gone, and you will be leaving this country alone. You have no more family. You will forget that Mia exists. You will not think about her, you will not talk about her, and so help me God, if you ever try to make contact with her, I will kill you. I will take whatever wrath Bree throws my way, and it will be worth it.

“I want you to leave here knowing that Mia doesn’t ever think of you. I am her family now, not you. She’s adopted my daughter, and she’s pregnant with my child, but they will never be your grandchildren. You will never know them, and they will never know you. I don’t care if you leave here full of regrets, as we will never think of you again,” Kel says, his voice low and menacing.

Whitlock’s nostrils flare when Kel mentions Mia is pregnant. “You knocked up my daughter without marrying her first?” he growls.

Kellan just laughs, pushing to stand up as he moves his chair over to the wall, turning his back on Whitlock. “No, because you don’t have a daughter. But just so you know, one day, I will propose to Mia, and she will say yes. She will walk down the aisle, and not even for a second will she feel sad that you’re not beside her. Do you know why?” he asks, but continues before Whitlock can respond. “Because she doesn’t think of you at all. You are not her father.”

Whitlock begins shouting, thrashing against the restraints as Kellan walks towards the door into our room, a smile on hisface. As Kel walks in, Bree, Liam, and Kian walk back towards Whitlock.

On seeing them approaching him, he calms down a little, eyeing them suspiciously. “What now?” he snaps.

As Liam walks to his left side, and Kian to his right, Bree remains in front of him. “I promised to let you go, and to not kill you, and I will honour that agreement. However, for all the atrocities you’ve committed, I cannot let you leave here without being punished.”

Whitlock’s eyes widen and his brows shoot into his hairline. “What?! That’s not… You can’t…”

“Actually, I can. For a businessman, you’d think you’d be better at negotiating. If you had specified that you leave without a scratch on you, or in the same condition as you are in now, I would’ve had no choice but to agree. However, you were more interested in haggling about money, and failed to specify the more important points.”

Before he has a chance to say anything, Kian and Liam untie him from the chair, and with a firm hold on his weak frame, they carry him over to the hospital gurney. It’s not until he’s facing it fully that Whitlock finally sees all the hospital equipment surrounding him, and he starts to panic.

He screams loudly, thrashing around, kicking his legs as he tries to break out of Kian and Liam’s hold. He stands no fucking chance.

Both those boys are ripped, and he’s weak from being held captive and tortured for months. They throw him onto the gurney with ease, tying him down with no problems at all.

Once he’s secured, and they’re sure he can’t get away, they head back towards the door. I realise now it’s my turn. I take a big, deep breath to calm my nerves.

Just as I’m about to walk towards the door, Evan grabs hold of me and pulls me to him, so that my body is flush with his. His bright emerald eyes are looking at me intently.

“I’m not going to tell you not to do this, or that you can walk away at any time, as you already know that. Instead, I’m going to tell you that I believe in you. You’re a force to be reckoned with, Angel, and I can’t wait to watch you give him hell.”

I have to force myself to blink as my eyes are literally wide open in shock. When he smiles at me, it’s the bright, cocky smile I love, and my heart races.

Without thinking, I stand on my tip-toes and press my lips against his cheek, his stubble grazing my mouth.

It only lasts for a second and then I pull away, but it’s enough to make him gasp. He’s frozen like a deer in headlights, and as I turn to walk away, I notice him lift his hand to touch the place where my lips had just been. Upon seeing his dazed expression, my heart soars.

McKenna takes hold of my hand and we walk into the room together, followed by Belle, who closes the door. Whitlock is looking at us, his eyes shifting rapidly as he grows more and more confused.