Page 41 of Together We Reign

“The reason you are here now has nothing to do with the feelings you had a decade ago, or some stupid guilt you feel over her being here. You can deny it all you want, but the only reason you have for going to all this trouble, for putting yours and your families lives at risk, is because you still care about her.

“I don’t have time to argue with you about this, and I’m sure it’s a realisation you will come to on your own, eventually. I’m just giving you a head start. Anyway, I need you to promise you will protect Teigan with your life. She has to get out of here, no matter what.”

I don’t think I’ve ever gone through so many emotions in the space of a few seconds. Anger, sadness, confusion, denial, bewilderment, hope, and even a small amount of joy at the possibilities that come with everything she just said. She threw so much information my way, my brain is struggling to catch up.

Dec takes pity on me, and replies. “We will take care of her. We plan to help all of you when we can. You mentioned something about your guys, maybe we can help you get back to them?” he asks, and her eyes widen with a mixture of joy and shock.

Her gaze flicks over to The Sheriff, who is almost in front of us. “Please, that would mean a lot. Teigan knows all about them. If you can tell them where I am, I know they will come for me. But don’t worry if you can’t.”

As soon as The Sheriff is within hearing distance, her voice changes to a high-pitched, sickly sweet tone. “I’d be more than happy to bring some drinks over for you. Anything for such important guests.”

Lilly’s high-pitched tinkling laugh grates on me, and I grind my teeth as I watch the girl change in front of me. She seems to shrink, to make herself look smaller, less of a threat. The way she talks differs completely from the smart, caring girl who was justtelling me what to do. Now she sounds like a brainless bimbo, whose only job is to look good and follow orders.

Even if she weren’t a friend of Teigan’s, I’d want to help her get out of here. Knowing there are people out there who miss her, who might be looking for her, breaks my heart. Not nearly as much as the reminder that Teigan believed she didn’t have anyone out there who thought of her, or who cared enough to help her.

I may be pissed as all hell at her, and I have no idea if I’ll ever be able to forgive her for the way she broke my heart, but it doesn’t change the fact that I once loved her more than anyone else in the world. We may have moved on, but that love left a mark on my soul, and I can’t stand by while she’s hurting.

“Declan, Evan, so lovely to see you again,” The Sheriff says, sounding far too fucking joyful for my liking.

I grunt a welcome in response, as I tell Lilly I’ll take a double whiskey, which Declan also asks for. As she walks towards the bar, Declan turns to speak to The Sheriff. “Thank you for having us. We are looking forward to the event.”

“I’m sure you are,” he replies, his intense stare flicking between myself and Dec. “Is it just the one Lot you’re interested in?”

I don’t bother responding, for fear I might say something he doesn’t like. Dec is better at this acting shit than me, anyway. “We have our eye on a couple of others, but obviously the one we’re most interested in is the final Lot. We wouldn’t want to spend too much on the others and not have enough to win, would we?”

“That’s very true. But as the saying goes, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. I happen to know some people have an unlimited amount of money to spend on her, and I’d hate for you to lose and go home empty-handed,” he says, sounding every bit as insincere as I’d expect.

“Well, as I’m sure you’re aware, our budget for this evening is also quite large. I’m sure we can handle any of the competition,” Dec boasts, and I can’t help the smile that slips on my face.

I clear my throat, grabbing The Sheriff's attention. “Speaking about our large budget, we read the terms and conditions attached to the Lot, and I’d like to know if any of them are negotiable—for the right price, of course,” I ask, trying to keep my words vague and mysterious.

Before The Sheriff can respond, Lilly returns to the table with our drinks. She hands one to me and Dec, before holding a glass out for The Sheriff. He didn’t ask for anything, but he seems pleased she thought of him, anyway. Dec and I thank her for the drinks, but The Sheriff doesn’t.

“Go and welcome our other VIPs, as discussed.” There are no niceties, just firm instructions and a glare that makes it clear he won’t be challenged.

With a nod of her head and a small smile at me, Lilly turns and walks away. The Sheriff pulls back our attention, replying to my earlier questions. “They are terms and conditions for a reason. Which do you wish to negotiate?”

Even though he makes it seem like he’s unwilling to compromise, it’s also clear he’s intrigued by what I might offer him. “I’d like to discuss the finer details of the headline performance the Lot will be expected to participate in.”

His eyes narrow, a scowl slipping onto his lips. “That is non-negotiable. Shewillparticipate.”

My heart races, but I take a quick breath to try and keep my voice impassive. “I’m aware she will still be required to participate, but I would like a little more control over the performance itself—should I win, hypothetically speaking,” I state, though we both know I’m not leaving here without Teigan.

“Okay, hypothetically speaking, what would you like to negotiate?” he says through gritted teeth, as though he’s reluctant to have this discussion at all.

“Your terms say that the event needs to happen in one month, but that won’t work for me. I will need adequate time to train her to my needs, so I’m requesting two months. Obviously, I can’t control how many tickets you sell, but I want to insist that no photos or videos of the evening be taken, and that includes your security footage. If she’s my property, I don’t want others viewing her after the event without my consent.

“Finally, your terms say you get the final say over the specifics of the performance, but that won’t work for me. If I’m the one participating with her, we will do what I want, for my pleasure. I will not take instructions from you, nor will I engage in any sex act that you deem necessary. I will do what I enjoy, and nothing more.”

I list each item as impassively as I can, making it sound like I’m negotiating a business contract, rather than discussing the finer details of a fucking sex show I’m going to have to put on with the girl I used to love.

“No,” he states firmly, and I glare at his flippant response.

“What do you mean, no?” My voice sounds menacing, and The Sheriff takes a hesitant step back, his eyes flicking over to his security staff that are stationed in various places around the room. If I were to attack him right now, none would be close enough, and I think The Sheriff just realised that too.

He lets out a groan. “Fine, some I would be willing to compromise on…for the right price. The date, I can give you two months, though I’d prefer no more than four weeks, if we can negotiate on that. I will allow you to do as you please in the performance, but there are certain things that will need to happen. Not because I say so, but it’s what the audience hascome to expect. There will need to be both oral and vaginal penetration. Anal is a bonus, but can be avoided.

“There will need to be some kind of punishment, but something as minor as a spanking would work. They prefer paddles, whips, or even things like nipple clamps, but as long as they’re entertained, you can use any toys you wish. They also like to hear a bit of humiliation and degradation, so that will be expected, but as you are buying her as your sex slave, I’m sure that won’t be a problem,” he challenges, his brow wiggling as if to suggest I may not be buying her as a sex slave, like I’m trying to make him believe.