Page 28 of Together We Reign

“I have no idea, Sir. As I said, I went to the same school as his children, but that’s all. We have no connection other than that.” The words taste like ash on my tongue, and the young girl buried deep inside that still remembers what it was like to love Evan, she’s sad for a moment.

“There’s clearly more to it than just some childhood nostalgia. If I find out you are lying to me, you will regret it. I dislike surprises, and I fucking hate being lied to. So, this is your final chance… Tell me what you know about the Doughtys,” he snaps, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Lilly raises her head just slightly, her eyes wide and pleading at me, like she’s trying to communicate with me without words. But I can’t look at her long enough to work out what she’s trying to say.

I take a small breath, and think about what Desmond would say in a situation like this. He would tell them enough truth so they’d believe him, but filled with lies they can’t see.

“The Doughtys have always been a very proud family. I imagine that they feel my debt was stolen from them. If theywant me back, I assure you, it’s only because they want me to pay off what I owe them. That is all,” I state, and he tilts his head, like he might just believe me.

“Whatever the reason, I’m sure all will be revealed. If my suspicions are correct, one of them will be here tonight,” he replies, and my heart races so quickly I can feel it threatening to break through my chest.

My mind is racing, as I think about which Doughty will be there tonight. I’m so lost in my own thoughts, it doesn’t even register when The Sheriff clicks his fingers, like a rude instruction. It’s not until I see Lilly moving out of the corner of my eye that I register the scene before me.

When The Sheriff clicked his fingers, it was obviously a sign for Lilly to begin crawling to him. As soon as she’s kneeling before him, a red shameful blush on her cheeks, she averts her eyes from me as she lowers his zip, pulling out his hardening cock. Without hesitating, Lilly lowers herself onto his dick, taking it into her mouth, as he maintains eye contact with me.

I’m not sure which one of us he’s punishing with this, but as my stomach rolls, and the nausea threatens to take over, I realise it’s probably both of us. I try to take calming breaths as I stare at the wall behind his head, but Lilly’s gagging and slurping noises are invading my ears.

I try to take my mind elsewhere. I allow myself a moment to imagine that it might be Evan that comes to save me. But as The Sheriff grunts, pulling me out of my thoughts, I’m overcome with shame. I don’t want it to be Evan. I don’t want any of the Doughtys to see me like this. I want them to remember the girl I once was, not the whore I’ve been forced to become.

As The Sheriff finishes in Lilly’s mouth, patting her head like she’s a fucking pet, his gaze locks with mine. I can see tears rolling down Lil’s cheeks, but she doesn’t make a sound.

“I’d prefer not to be sold to the Doughtys,” I mutter, wincing as he glares at me once more. His head tilts, like I’m a complex problem that he can’t work out.

“I don’t give a shit what you want. I also don’t give a shit who you end up with. All I care about is the money. If they win, and pay, you go with them,” he replies, waving his hand at Lilly in a dismissive gesture.

Within seconds, Lilly is back on her feet, pulling her T-shirt and skirt back over her body. Without a word, she grabs hold of my hand and begins pulling me to the exit. Neither of us looks back as Lilly pulls me towards one of the back rooms in the club. Once the door is closed, Lilly collapses against it, breathing a sigh of relief as silent tears roll down her cheeks.

I look away, giving her a moment of privacy as she cries. It’s not until I feel her lace our fingers together that I turn to face her. Her eyes are red and puffy, her skin blotchy from her tears, but there’s a small smile on her face.

“Is it him…that The Sheriff was talking about? Has he come for you?” she asks, her eyes wide and full of hope.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears I can feel brewing. “His family,” I mutter in response.

“How do you know it’s not him?” she asks, and I take a deep breath to try and calm myself.

“It’s not him,” I say quietly, though I’m not sure if I’m trying to make myself believe the words too.

“But it could be?” She phrases it like a question, but it feels like a dagger to my heart.

“I know you need to remain hopeful that your guys will come and save you, like some fucking Disney movie, but that’s not my life. Even if it is Evan coming to save me, it’s not so we can live happily ever after. Our story ended ten years ago, and there are romantic tragedies that are less depressing than the way we finished. There is no future for us, so there’s no reason for it tobe him coming to rescue me—not that I need fucking rescuing by a man,” I grumble, more to myself than Lilly.

Lilly chuckles, clearly ignoring my snappy tone and sarcastic Disney digs. “But you loved him once?”

I let out the breath I didn’t even realise I was holding. “Yes. Once upon a time, he was my whole fucking world. Then the world went to shit. The end.”

Lilly lets out a soft laugh. “It’s not the best love story in the world.”

I can’t help but chuckle with her. “At the time, it was everything. Hewasmy whole world, and I thought we’d be together forever. I know some kids in love say that sort of shit all the time, but with us, it really was true. I felt like I’d found the other half of me when I met Ev—my soulmate. It was all so natural. We would have done anything for each other, and I never saw any version of my life where he wasn’t in it. No matter what I did, no matter where I went, he would be there by my side,” I explain, allowing myself just a moment to remember.

I’ve spent so long blocking out the past, refusing to acknowledge how much I loved him, and how much I lost that night. But as the emotions flood me, I become overwhelmed. Not just with the pain, but the love I felt for him. The way my soul felt whole with him around, compared to the emptiness I have now.

“Maybe he feels the same, which is why he’s here for you?” Lilly says, her voice sounding as hopeful as always.

I shake my head, swiping away a rogue tear that threatens to fall. “I don’t want it to be him. I don’t want him to see me like this. The girl he loved is gone, and the shell she left behind will never be enough for him. I’m not even sure I’m capable of surviving this.”

Lilly takes my cheeks in her hands, lifting my head until I’m looking at her. Bright blue eyes blaze back at me as she forces me to listen to her. “You will survive this. You will go on and live afucking amazing life. I know it. You are made for so much more than this. I want you to make me a promise that when you get far away from all this shit, you will never look back.”

“Lil…” I start, but she cuts me off, shaking her head.