Page 10 of Half Cocked

“A lot.” I shrugged. I wasn’t sure why he was acting like this was news to him.

“Fucking right there is.” He was pacing up and down, raking a hand across his recently shaved head like he’d forgotten there wasn’t any hair left to tug. “I mean, you’ve always been a dumb fuck. But now all of a sudden you have a death wish too?” His eyes were wild. I hadn’t seen him this worked up since that incident with his sister.

“What the fuck is your problem, Z? Benny’s always been an ass. This ain’t nothing new and it’s not like he said he was gonna fire us or anything. It was a fake ID for fuck’s sake. What’s the big fucking deal?”

This was apparently the wrong thing to say. Though it did stop his pacing. It also had him pivoting on his heel and pinning me against the brick wall. “The big fucking deal, dipshit, is yourdumb ass dragging us into the middle of this mafia bullshit because you wanted to get your dick wet.”

“Me?” I shoved at his chest, just enough to send his ass back a few steps. I wouldn’t hit 'em. But sometimes he needed to remember that I could. I just chose not to. “Pretty sure I followed your ass here and not the other way around,brother.”

At the same time, it didn’t hurt to remind the fucker that he was like family to me. It helped get him out of his head when he was overthinking. It came from a good place. I knew as much, but it didn’t make hismother henact any less annoying.

“I never asked you to do that.” He sighed and cast his eyes to the ground.

I draped an arm over his shoulder and led him over to the door. “Didn’t have to. Where you go, I go.” I grinned in that stupid way that forced him to do the same, tugging Zeke inside and getting our asses back to work before our necks really were on the chopping block.



Your guy’s clean.


What do you mean clean?


I mean exactly what I said. He doesn’t have a record. Sealed or otherwise.


That doesn’t make sense. An Irish fucker working for the Mulligans who doesn’t have a record?

Ihit send before I realized what I’d done, cursing under my breath when my phone immediately started ringing in my hand. I could ignore it, but she’d just keep calling. Or worse, she’d dig into what my interests were in some nobody without a record.

My thumb swiped up on the call and Laney didn’t wait for me to greet her. “I told you to stay the fuck away from that club, Rossi.”

“Yeah, not sure I’m too keen on being told what to do. Thought you’d know that by now.”

“It’s not funny, Dani. Those fuckers already want your blood. Stop giving them a reason to take it.”

“If MacCullagh isn’t on their actual payroll, then they have no reason to fuss, am I right? You said it yourself. The guy doesn’t have a record.”

“Then why’s he got a price on his head?”

“Never said he did.”

“No, but you sure as fuck implied it. If this isn’t about money, then what’s it about, Dani?” She had her detective hat on now. I could hear it in her tone, almost picture the way her eyes would narrow in whenever she was thinking too hard.

“I told you it was a job. Doesn’t mean he’s the target.”

“Right… well, if you have a DOB…” she started, and I stopped her before she could finish her train of thought.

“Yeah, haven’t gotten that close yet.”

“It’s not in your file?”

Fuck, she had me there. But I couldn’t let her know she’d backed me into a corner. That’s exactly what she was hoping to do.