I laugh again. This man, I swear.

He carries me down the mansion’s front steps like I weigh nothing. When we hit the circular drive, I spot a sleek AstonMartin parked behind my Mercedes. I jerk my chin toward the sports car, eyebrow raised. “That yours, big guy?”

Frost grunts an affirmative, still staring at me like I’ll vanish if he blinks. It’s intense, exhilarating. I bite my lip against a dopey grin.

“You can put me down now, you know.”

More caveman grumbling, but he sets me gently on my feet. I wobble a bit, knees like jello, but manage to stay upright. When I meet his gaze again, I’m helpless to contain my smile.

God, he’s fucking perfect. Huge and solid, ruggedly handsome. And when he slips into French? I’m fucking done for.

I ask, “you’re following me home?”

Another indecipherable noise, but then he takes my hand and leads me to my SUV. I’m dying at his show of possessiveness. Which,what the hell, Nat?I’m a strong, independent woman. I don’t get weak in the knees for bossy alphas! Except, apparently, when they kiss like I’m the finest thing they’ve ever tasted, and call me sweet little pet names in a foreign tongue. Ugh, I’m so screwed.

Frost opens the passenger door and helps me inside. Then he climbs behind the wheel and holy shit, his big frame eats up the entire cabin. He fiddles with the seat controls, scooting back ‘til his mile-long legs aren’t totally crammed.

Spotting my key-fob in the console, he shoots me a look. “Never leave your keys in the car, Natasha.”

I widen my eyes and nod solemnly even as I fight a shit-eatinggrin. His gruff tone doing things to me.

Frost just shakes his head, a tiny smile curling his lips. “Lucky you’re cute.”

That startles another giggle out of me and fuck, his answering grin is a revelation. Like pure sunshine, bright enough to blind. I’m fucking gone for this guy.

“Address,” he prompts, the deep rumble of his voice sliding down my spine to settle between my thighs.

I rattle off my address and curl up in my seat, sneaking glances at the man who’s flipped my life upside down in record time. Frost punches the details into the GPS and we’re off.

“So, not a local boy, huh?” I muse as we cruise along the picturesque coastline. The sky is a perfect, cloudless blue, the ocean glittering below.

“DC,” he confirms with a head shake.

I grin. Of course he’s a man of few words. “You’re in security?”

A brief flicker of his eyes my way. “You really aren’t in the life, huh?” I shake my head and he huffs. “I’m the best,bébé.”

My mouth drops open. “But then why would Mitya… There’s no, like, active threat against me, right?”

Frost hesitates, jaw clenching. When he finally answers, my entire world tilts on its axis.

“I run the top private security firm in the world, Nat. When I say we’re the best, I mean that shit. Ex-French Foreign Legion, me and most of my guys. I trust ‘em with my life.”

He pulls into my driveway and kills the engine, turning to face me. The sun plays over his features, turning those eyes molten quicksilver.

“I haven’t taken a case myself in years. No time. But you… I know your brother, we’re tight. I was gonna send my top guy.” His hand comes up to cup my jaw, huge and rough. I’m pinned in place by his stare, breathless. “Then I saw your picture, and I knew I had to come. Had to see you for myself,mon coeur.”

Jesus Christ. Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

“Now, let’s get you inside so I can claim what’s mine.” He leans in close, breath fanning over my lips. “First, I’m gonna fuck you long and hard. Give you so many orgasms, you pass out cold. Then I’ll wake you up in the middle of the night and make love to this sweet body nice and slow.” A wicked flash of teeth. “And if you’re a good girl? I’ll let you play in the morning.”

Holy fucking shit. I’m in so far over my head.

And I can’t wait to drown in him.

* * *

Frost’s large hands wrap around my waist as he helps me out of the car, his touch sending tingles all over my skin. I’m still in shock from his revelations, my mind whirling. This formidable man came just for me? It’s heady and overwhelming, yet deep in my bones, it feels like destiny.