“I… You…”

Even that weak protest is too fucking much. I surge forward, claiming her mouth in a brutal kiss. Swallowing down her startled gasp, I groan at that first taste of her. Ripe berries and honey, decadent and intoxicating. I’m addicted from the first sip.

She goes still for a single, devastating beat. Then she’s melting into me, her whole body going soft and pliant. Arms wind around my neck, delicate fingers sinking into my hair and digging into my scalp. It’s pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, and fuck if I don’t want more.

I coax when we break apart to drag in air. “I’ve got you, baby girl.”

Those hazy eyes blink open, warm chocolate depths threatening to pull me under. Slowly, so fucking gently, Natasha cups my face in her hands. It’s tenderness I don’t deserve, an intimacy that cracks my blackened heart wide open.

But before I can begin to process the onslaught of emotions, she’s tugging me back in. Slanting her mouth over mine, lickingpast the seam of my lips like she’s dying for another taste. And I’m lost to the slick heat of her, the filthy slide of her tongue against my own.

My hands skim down her back to grip her fucking juicy ass, hiking her over my thigh. She breaks away on a gasp, head tipping back. And fuck, I wanna mark up that pretty throat. Suck bruises into her skin ‘til the whole goddamn world knows she’s mine.

“Please,” Natasha moans desperately. “I need… I need…”

“I know, baby.” My voice is pure gravel. “Gonna give you everything. Gonna shatter you ‘til there’s no name on your lips but mine.”

Her answering moan is pure sin, a live-wire directly connected to my cock. I’m harder than I’ve ever been, throbbing with the need to sink into her tight, wet heat. To make her fucking mine.

When I palm her big, round tits through the thin material of her dress, Nat arches into my touch. Offering herself up for my greedy hands, my famished mouth. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful, so fucking perfect.

I could worship this woman for hours. Map every dip and curve of her luscious body with my lips, teeth and tongue ‘til she’s spent from pleasure. Watch her shatter on my fingers, my cock. Write my name across her skin in hickeys and pinked handprints.

Because she’s lit me up from the inside out, thawed the ice in my veins with her scorching need. She’s everything. My salvationand damnation, all wrapped up in one hot, sweet package. And I’ll spend my life on my knees for her if that’s what it takes.

The blare of a voice over the mansion’s intercom breaks us apart. Reality crashes in, reminding us that we’re in the open.

“What the actual fuck?” Dmitry barks. “Fucking take that shit somewhere else!”

Natasha groans, embarrassment burning her cheeks. “Mitya, I swear to God…”

A rough chuckle rumbles out of my chest. I should be pissed at the intrusion, at having my staking of her interrupted. But all I can focus on is the flustered beauty in my arms, the lingering taste of her on my tongue.

Scooping her up, I start walking, long strides eating up the distance to privacy. Natasha squeaks, clinging tight to my neck. So light, so delicate. But fuck if she doesn’t fit perfectly against me. Like she was made to be in my arms, held close and safe.

Every step is a promise, a vow. I’m gonna worship this woman, cherish her ‘til my dying breath. She’s the key to a peace I never knew, the balm to soothe the ragged edges of my battered soul.

Catching her warm gaze, I let her see the truth in my eyes.

She’s my whole fucking world. My queen. My everything.

And I’ll make sure she never forgets it. With lips and hands and body, I’ll write my devotion into her very skin.

I found the piece of me I never knew was missing.

And I’ll burn the world to ashes before I ever let her go.



I can’t stop touching him. Running my fingers over the rugged planes of Frost’s face, tracing his sharp cheekbones, the cut of his jaw. That sinful mouth quirked in a grin that promises all kinds of filthy things. His quicksilver eyes are locked on mine, intense enough to steal my breath.

“Hope you don’t live far,bébé,” he rumbles, and I giggle like an absolute idiot.

“Nah, I’m over on Oceanview. Like ten minutes away, tops.”

Frost makes a low noise deep in his chest. I feel it where I’m plastered against him, a delicious vibration. “That’s far.”