Fuckin’ endless months of torture, that’s what it’s been. Nothin’ but pain and sweat, trynna put my broken ass back together while the hole in my chest keeps growing. Piece by piece, I rebuild the cold-hearted bastard I was before she lit me up inside. But it’s all a joke, a goddamn facade.

Inside, I’m a fuckin’ wreck. Memories of her haunt me, the silk of her hair, the honey warmth of her eyes. I’m dying without her, wasting away. Fucking Jack Frost, reduced to a pathetic shell, going through the motions like a goddamn tool.

* * *

Then a call comes. Rossini, the low-life coward who’s after the Maksimovs, was spotted. In the fucking town where my woman lives. Rage explodes through me, white-hot and all-consuming.Images of that sick fuck laying his hands on her, my Natasha, send me into a tailspin.

I see red, my control snapped like a frayed rope. She’s mine, every inch of that sweet, soft skin, every sigh and moan and flutter of her lashes. I’ll destroy anyone who tries to harm her.

Before I can think straight, I’m booking the first flight back. My heart pounding in my chest like it’s trynna break free. Coming for you, baby.

* * *

Watching her tears me up inside, heaven and hell all wrapped up in one gorgeous package. I stick to the shadows like a creep, unable to look away as my woman goes through the motions. Every fuckin’ molecule is screaming at me to go to her, sweep her up and never let her outta my fucking sight again. But I lost that right when I walked away.

Seeing her like this, all worn down… it’s a punch to the gut. She’s a fuckin’ angel, my angel, and I’m the reason her light’s gone out. The circles under her eyes, the slump of her proud shoulders - that’s all on me. Shame burns through my veins like acid, eating me alive.

I last a week before the need gets too strong. Pathetic, right? Big bad Jack Frost, brought to his knees. While Nat’s at work, I slip into her place. Each limped step a reminder of how fuckin’ useless I am. How I failed her.

Being surrounded by her scent, her things… I’m drowning in it. Dizzy on her jasmine and honey scent. But the signs of her paincut me deep. Seein’ my old shirt on her bed, knowing she’s been clutching it while I was being a chickenshit… Fuck.

I bury my face in the fabric, letting our scents mingle again. It’s a poor shadow of the real thing, but fuck if it doesn’t work. The memories slam into me, waking up wrapped around her softness, the taste of her sleepy kisses, the tight velvet heat of her body squeezing around my -

I’m fisting my cock before I can think, hissing at the friction. The wrongness of defiling her space like this just winds me tighter. I’m a sick fuck, a selfish prick. But the need is a live-wire in my blood.

“Natasha…bébé. I wanna - fuck, I need -”

I spill in seconds, her name on my lips, tasting like ash in my mouth. There’s no satisfaction, just empty disgust.

Then a text from my guy freezes the blood in my veins.

* * *

I’m moving on autopilot, scanning the restaurant for any sign of her. And there she is, a vision in some red slip of a dress, laughing with… who the fuck is this prick? Some fuck-boy eye-fuckin’ what’s MINE.

The monster in my chest roars to life, deadly calm settling over me. I cross the room in a heartbeat, barely registering my leg i snot as stiff as usual.

“Jacques…” she breathes, already reaching for me.

I don’t let her finish. Can’t, with the beast clawing at myrestraint. I band an arm around her waist and throw her over my shoulder like some fucking caveman. Natasha squeals, clutching me tight.

“What the hell, man? Who do you think-”

I shut pretty-boy down with a death glare, power throbbing in my veins at the fear in his eyes. Good. He should be afraid.

I snarl, barely holding back from ripping his arms off for touching her. “Come near her again and I’ll feed you your own fuckin’ balls.”

He shrinks back like the bitch he is. And I don’t waste another second before strolling out. My entire world held close. My Natasha.

She waits until we’re in the car before exploding, fists beating at my chest. I let her, lost in the feel of her, the rage and pain pouring out of my girl. Christ, I missed her…

“You absolute bastard! Months, Jacques! Fucking months of nothing, after ripping my heart out with a fucking text! Do you have any idea-”

I swallow the rest, crashing my mouth to hers. I need her like air, like blood in my veins. She freezes for a split second before surrendering on a whimper, hands clawing at me desperately. I pour every damn thing I’ve been choking on into that kiss, marking her with all I have.

“I’m sorry,” I rasp out when we break apart, leaning my forehead to hers. “Fuck, baby, I’m so goddamn sorry. Thought I was doing right by you, letting you free of this broken mess.” I spread myarms. “But seein’ you with another man… I can’t do it, Nat. Fuckin’ can’t…”

My voice breaks, stripped bare. My control, lost. Nat’s soft hand cups my face, thumbs brushing my cheeks so tenderly it hurts.