He freezes and raises a brow.

“Make Vinny break up with Natalia, and please don’t let him hurt her.”

“I don’t take orders from you.” His voice drips with smugness.

“That wasn’t anorder. I obviously saidplease.” I scoot down the bed to face him when he approaches me.

He kneels so we’re at eye level. “Men saypleaseto me all the time and beg for their lives when I tie them to chairs. That doesn’t mean I’ll listen.”

“Do you also stick your cock in those men’s mouths?” I smile, proud of my response.

“My cock taking residence in your mouth doesn’t mean I make promises to you. It simply means I want my cock sucked.” His smile isn’t sarcastic like mine. It’s fueled with callousness.

“He’ll kill her.”

“I’m sure you warned her against him, and she failed to listen.”

“I was warned about you, yet here I am, failing to listen.”

“Maybe you should’ve.”

“She made a mistake, Antonio.”

“That’s unfortunate for her.” His tone is all business, as if he’d loaned me money and I was in default. He picks upthe picture frame on my nightstand, studying the photo of my mother and me, and then returns it.

“He’s your brother.” My throat burns at how difficult he’s making this. “Talk to him.”

“I don’t control another man’s actions or give two fucks about their relationship.” He reaches out, stroking my chin with his long fingers, as he has nearly every night he’s visited, soothing me when I wish it didn’t. “As long as it’s not another man touching you, I couldn’t care less.”

“Why just me?”

“I don’t share,” he states matter-of-factly. “When someone is mine, they’remineandmine only.”

“I never agreed to be yours.”

“Your body confirmed it was mine last night.”

“Do meonefavor.Please.”

He sweeps his hand over my cheek, his face mellowing. “I’ll give you plenty of favors, but not that.”

“If something happens to her, it’llhurt me.You’llhurt me by not stopping it.”

He glowers. “I never promised I wouldn’t hurt you.”

“You asked me to trust you.”

“Having trust in someone doesn’t mean they won’t hurt you.”

I touch his face, running my palm along his hot cheek. I feel the thick tension underneath his skin as if it embedded itself there years ago. “I know you well enough to know you won’t hurt me, Antonio.”

“Me notphysicallyhurting you doesn’t mean I won’t emotionally.” He works his jaw, my hand on his cheek following the movement. “I won’t kill you, Gigi—I promise you that. But that’sallyou have my word on.” He collects my hand in his free one and presses a kiss into my palm. “You needed to trust me to give me your body. So I earned your trust. Trust doesn’t mean I owe you any favors.”

I wince, escaping him, his touch like poison now. He slides closer, attempting to stop me from doing the same with his hand, but doesn’t fight me when I swat it away.

Shame and embarrassment possess me.

I push him so hard that he nearly fumbles backward. “So this was only sex to you?” My words are said through clenched teeth. “Fuck the Marchetti princess and earn cool points with your third-rate family?”