My love.

My everything.

He steps forward to raise my veil, cups my face, and caresses my cheek. As if all eyes aren’t on us, he lowers his mouth to my ear.

“My breathtaking princess,” he whispers, his voice sending shivers down my spine. “I have never seen a more gorgeous sight.” He groans. “I can’t wait to take this dress off you later, baby.”

I squeeze my legs together, my clit throbbing.

He reaches for my hands, clasping them tight, and presses them against his chest.

“I love you,” I say, only loud enough for him to hear.

“You are my everything.”

I gasp, startled, when the priest clears his throat.

Antonio shifts backward a few inches as I finally cut my gaze to the priest.

He’s not the one who married us the first time.

Pretty sure that one retired after his dealings with us.

“Let’s begin,” the priest says in a rumbling voice.

Antonio lowers our hands, a bond that’ll never break, while reciting his vows.

My breath catches in my throat as the glossiness in his eyes grows more noticeable with each word.

My villain doesn’t hide his emotions—even if we’re surrounded by murderous men.

A tear slips down his cheek, and he uses his arm to wipe it away.

That doesn’t stop another from escaping.

When it’s my turn to say my vows, my eyes are wet. He smirks and mouths the words along with me.

As I slide the ring on his finger, I pause to admire my initials tattooed on his ring finger. A month ago, I pouted over him having to remove his ring for some of his, er …dirtierjobs. The next day, he came home with the new ink. So no matter what, I’m always marking him.

When we kiss, it’s like I’ve forgotten every nightmare I’ve ever had.

The sadness, the chaos, and the rough history it took us to get here.

The loneliness I lived in the mansion, the times where I felt I’d forever be alone, all of it brought me to this moment.

All of it was worth it.

Because now, I have my love story with the villain.

In our version ofRomeo and Juliet, there’s no tragedy.

In the end, we have a beautiful life.

Visiting Italy is different when you’re married.

The birds chirp louder.

The sun hotter.