My husband fought for me so many times.

Found me in a different country.

Killed for me.

It’s time I become a strong wife and do the same for him.

And even though it’s uncomfortable as hell, I shut my eyes.

It doesn’t take long to fall asleep.


My father’s sharp voice wakes me like a whip.

I open my eyes to find him standing above me. Sunlight shines through the windows, and I hear movement around the mansion.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Raising my head, I wipe the drool from my mouth. “You said we’d talk in the morning.”

“Yes, but I didn’t mean first thing in the morning.”

He planned to sneak out of here and delay our little talk. But I’m not letting that happen.

“It’s morning.” I stretch my neck to work out the sore kink. Sleeping on a marble floor is not for the weak.

His face is rigid, and his eyes shift to Natalia behind him, cradling Enzo in her arms. She’s still in her lace pajamas, her hair a wild mess, and Enzo coos.

She softly smiles at me before doing the same to him and resting her fingers on his shoulder. “Hear her out, Cristian.”

He extends his hand and helps me to my feet. I gulp, a strong silence between us, while he gestures toward his office. I tremble as I grip the handle and open the door. He closely follows and shuts it behind us.

Instead of going behind his desk, as usual, he stands in front of it. He cocks a brow toward me while perching halfway on the edge. My knees feel rubbery as I drag my feet along his rug and sit down, facing him.

“He’s not dead yet,” he says simply, as if it’s his first line of business.

As if that’ll appease me and we can end this chat so he can leave.

“Yet?” Goose bumps run up my arms.

He drops his hands into his slacks pockets and extends his legs. “I have annulment papers for you to sign.”

I frown at his lack of answering my question. “I already told Benny I’m not signing them.”

He’s calm as he says, “Giana?—”

I’m not as I interrupt him, “Dad, please.”

He just stares at me, unsure of what exactly I’m pleading for.

That, or he wants to appear clueless so he doesn’t have to answer questions.

My father answers to no one.

“Benny said Sonny is dead.” I draw my shoulders back. “The threat is gone. Can you please leave Antonio alone?”

“Leave him alone?” He removes his hands from his pockets to stand tall. All his calmness has dissipated into callousness. “Antonio took you as his prisoner, and you’re defending him?”