“One night,” Antonio pleads. “I need her safe so I can track Sonny. I’m close, Dante.”

“This is cute.” Eden wiggles her fingers between Antonio and me. “VeryRomeo and Juliet.”

“They both die at the end,” Dante points out. “That’s not a very enticing argument to let her stay here.”

“Romeo and Julietremix,” Eden corrects before waving me forward. “Come on, Gigi. It’s too late for you to travel anyway. You can sleep in the guest room.”

“One night,” Dante says with disapproval. “That’s it.”

“Thank you,” I softly say.

Antonio lowers his head and kisses me. “I’ll be back. You’re safe here.” He moves his gaze to Dante. “Thank you, brother.”



Is this … the mystery Lombardi brother?

I should’ve connected the dots, but I was a little consumed with them arguing over whether I’d be sleeping on the side of the road or not.

I slip off my shoes and have to squeeze between Dante and a cabinet before following Eden down a hallway.

“Don’t worry about Dante.” Eden saunters through the house, wearing striped pajamas, and her hair is clipped back in a bun. “He likes to stay out of that life as much as he can.”

“People have always wondered who he is,” I say. “Some even swear he isn’t real, just some hoax Vincent put out.”

“He’s very real, but he tries not to be—at least with the Lombardis.” She turns the corner and walks into a bedroom. “That’s why he changed his last name, but he knew, sooner or later, he wouldn’t be able to escape it.” She sighs, turning to face me. “It seems that day has come.”

A sense of guilt creeps in.

I’m putting these people in danger.

Eden taps the bed. “Make yourself comfortable. There’s an en suite bathroom if you want to shower, and it’s stocked with anything you’ll need. Get some rest, Gigi.” She kindly smiles before leaving the bedroom and gently shutting the door behind her.

I run my hand along the navy-striped comforter. It’s a standard guest room with nightstands and limited decor. On the nightstand is a sign that lists the Wi-Fi name and password. I pick it up, repeating it mentally, in case there’s a time when I can use it.

Crawling into bed, I snuggle my face into the pillow. I try to stay awake until Antonio comes home, but can’t stop myself from softly dozing back to sleep.

I’m woken by a click of the door, and from the faint light on the nightstand, I see Antonio enter the bedroom. He strips off his coat, tosses it onto a chair, and then sits down to remove his shoes.

He carefully walks to the bathroom, as if not wanting to wake me. I hear the shower turn on and count to thirty, giving the water time to warm up, before slipping out of bed. I crack the bathroom door open to find Antonio already in the shower. Water splashes down his long, robust body. I squeeze my thighs together while watching him.

God, he’s sexy.


And now, mine.

He holds out his hands, and I notice a flash of red drip from his knuckles. The red fades with the water and washes down the drain. I strip out of my pajamas and wander toward the shower.

His muscles flex when he shifts in my direction. He pauses and opens the shower door—like apass gosignal. Goose bumps layer my skin as I step inside the shower. He shuffles back, allowing me most of the water, and I hiss at the heat.

As soon as I shut the door, he captures my waist and draws me closer to him. His large hand sweeps over my face, and he tightly cups it.

“You okay?” he asks in a low tone.

I inch back to allow him more water and reach out to run my finger along a cut on his face that wasn’t there earlier. “Yeah.”