Damien tightens his jaw and flexes his fingers around the steering wheel as he drives.

I dig my phone from my pocket when it vibrates and check the screen.

Unknown caller.

“Yeah?” I answer.

Anytime Sonny or one of his men calls, it’s from a private number. After they discovered we put trackers on two of their phones, they ditched them. Sonny has three numbers, and there isn’t a single record of his name with any network. It’s a wise move on his part since he’s aware of how good we are at hacking into systems and finding people.

“Nephew,” Sonny says on the other line.

“Sonny,” I bite out, and Damien veers to the side of the road. “Please provide your location, motherfucker.”

His unhealthy ass coughs on the other end. “Oh, so funny.” He hacks again. “Your mother would like to speak with you.”

I swallow down the sour taste suddenly forming in my mouth. “I’ll pass on talking to that rat.”

“Antonio, honey,” my mother says, “listen to Sonny. He knows what’s best for this family. You were never intended to be boss.”

“Iamthe boss of this family,” I snarl.

“Vinny was next in line, but he’s gone. Sonny is fit to be don, and you need to let him have it. He should’ve stepped up a long time ago when we realized Vincent was becoming useless?—”

“Don’t say another fucking word,” I hiss.

“Antonio, listen.”

“No,you listen. This proves you’re as heartless as everyone says.”

“Stop pretending any of us have hearts. I’m doing what’s necessary for us to stay alive.”

“Bullshit. You know Sonny doesn’t want me alive or to run the familyside by side. You’re clueless, and he will kill you.”

She sighs. “You’re so much like Vincent.”

“That isn’t the insult you think it is. He dedicated his life to protect our family. Now, tell me where Sonny is or stop wasting my fucking time.”

The line turns quiet.

“Find me,nephew,” Sonny says.

The call ends.

“That’s exactly what I plan to do,” I mutter as Damien swerves back onto the street.


“We need to call my father,” I tell Antonio when he returns to the cabin and walks into the bedroom.

“No,” he says sharply, stripping out of his blazer and undoing the top button of his shirt.

“Let me at least tell him I’m okay,” I beg and press my palms together in a praying gesture. “Please.”

While Antonio was gone, I fell asleep on the couch and dreamed that my father found us at the cabin. He held a gun to Antonio’s head and told him he would have granted Antonio mercy if he’d allowed me to call him.

I woke up in a panic as intense as when I do after a sleep-paralysis episode. That nightmare is all I’ve thought about since.

“I enjoy hearing you beg,” he says, sitting on the edge of the bed. “If I wasn’t pressed for time, I’d have you begging with my cock down your throat.”