“Anton—” This time, his voice is slurred. “Anto—” He attempts to reach for his cane and sways forward before losing his balance.

I rush toward him when he collapses out of the recliner. “Dad!”

He grabs my wrist as I help him to his feet, and I realize he can’t stand on his own. As I hold him up, one side of his face droops. He opens his mouth, attempting to tell me something, but all that comes out are muffled sounds.

My forehead lines with sweat as I frantically pull my phone from my pocket. In my gut, I know this is different from any of his other strokes.

I clutch him tight, as if I know this is the one that will take him from me, while calling 911.

“Everything is okay,” I say. “You’ll be okay, Dad. I promise.”

He grips my arms tight, staring at me in apology, as I help him outside to the ambulance. The EMTs transport him to the same hospital where Neomi is recovering from the bullet wound he caused.


The sound of my knock on my father’s office door echoes through the dark stillness of the mansion. Before coming downstairs, I downed a glass of wine and meditated for forty-five minutes. It’s what a girl should do before deciding to change her entire life.

“Yes, Gigi.” My father briefly glances up at me, not in the mood for meaningless conversation.

I wander into his office and anxiously run a hand down my silk pajamas before taking a seat across from him. “I think it’s time I get married.”

His dark brows draw together, and he sighs. “Now isn’t the time for games.”

“The Lombardis declared war on us, Daddy. Other families will choose sides, and we need everyone to choose ours.”

He stares at me, and forhisfirst time ever, he’s speechless.

I inhale a soft breath. “They are responsible for kidnapping Natalia, for shooting Neomi, for trying to kill my brother?—”

“How do you know that?” he interrupts.

I chew into my lip. “I sort of … eavesdropped.”

He shakes his head yet allows me to continue. It makes me proud that he’s willing to hear me out. I feel like he’s giving me a seat at the table.

“They want us dead.”

He nods in agreement yet continues to give me my moment.

“And if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that marriages forge alliances among families. Stronger connections increase the likelihood of winning. I’m open to marrying someone who will help us.”

The room falls silent for a moment until he violently shakes his head and says, “Gigi, I promised your mother you’d select your husband.”

“And I will choose him. You’ll provide me with a list of options, and I’ll choose one.” I stand and fight for my voice not to tremble. “I’m ready to do this. It’s time I contribute to this family.”


I sit in the hospital room, listening to the machine’s persistent beepings, while my father fights for his life. Today’s stroke was the worst he’s ever suffered.

I’m the only person at his bedside. My mother claimed she was too distraught to drive to the hospital. None of his men have called or come to check on him. Their silence speaks volumes of their loyalty—or lack thereof.

Earlier, I paid a nurse to provide me with information on Neomi’s condition. My headache lessened some when she informed me Neomi was awake and in better condition than my father. She also informed me Benny had the look of a man driven with a desire for revenge.

I have to be smart about my next move, but I’m also limited. As much as I need to leave the hospital and make calls without possible listening ears, I can’t. He isn’t safe alone here. Anyone can come in and kill him. I won’t risk it.

Damien told me Sonny called a meeting and suggested he step up as boss until my father heals. I have no idea what’s transpiring behind my back.

Sonny is getting what he wants.