Even though we pay Luna for information, Vinny usually delivers the payments to her, so this is only my second time visiting the brothel. My first was on my sixteenth birthday when my father, Vinny, and Sonny took me. I fucked an escort named Janie who faked moans and called me Daddy too many times.

“The Lombardi men,” Madam Luna welcomes from behind the counter. Her gaze cuts straight to me. “Antonio, darling, it’s been way too long.”

“Yeah,” I mutter, wanting to get Eddie and leave this place.

She claps her wrinkled hands. “Now, what are you looking for today?”

“Eddie Polorono.” I possess no patience for small talk. “What room is he in?”

She hums in disapproval, tapping her red nails along the counter.

I ease five hundred-dollar bills from my blazer and slap them in front of her.

Luna shakes her head, staring at the bills as if they were roaches that just scattered.

I add another five hundred.

Not one fucking word leaves her lips.

I add a thousand to the pile, snarling, as I’m normally not one to negotiate.


“Name your fucking price, Luna,” I snap, slamming my palm on the desk. “And if you don’t in the next thirty seconds, I’ll decorate this brothel with your brains and search every room my goddamn self.”

“Three thousand.” She stays composed. “Andif anyone asks, you snuck in and found Eddie yourself. I can’t have clients concerned with my confidentiality.”

I toss another thousand on top.

Luna collects a key hanging from a hook and hands it to me. “Last door on the right.”

I smirk cunningly and walk in that direction.

“Antonio, what the fuck?” Vinny asks behind me. “This’d better not get me banned from here.”

I don’t bother looking at him. “Luna will always take your money.”

Luna knows Vinny will kill her if she attempts to turn down his business. She made a deal with the devil when she granted him access.

“You mind if I have a turn while you take care of Eddie?” Vinny asks as we walk toward the room. “I won’t be long.”

“No.” I face him when we reach Eddie’s room. “Keep your ass right here until I need you.”

He throws his head back. “Fuck, you always kill my fun.”

Cracking my neck, I wiggle the doorknob before unlocking it. When I walk in, my stomach twists in disgust at the sound of theatrical moans and pathetic groans. The escort springsforward when she sees me. Eddie’s dick slips out of her as she snatches a blanket and wraps it around herself. I step aside, giving her space to leave the room.

“Why are you crashing my party, Lombardi?” Eddie’s kneeling on the bed, covering his dick with one hand.

“Get dressed, Eddie.” I kick a pile of clothes that reek of cigarette smoke and BO by the foot of the bed.

He removes his hand from his weasel dick to flip me off. “Fuck you.”

I smirk.

Eddie stupidly assumes he’s safe at Luna’s. Unfortunately for him, Luna always sells to the highest bidder. And that sure as fuck isn’t Eddie’s broke ass.

Eddie’s arrogance calms when I drag my pistol from my waistband. When he screams for help, I round the bed and press the gun barrel against his skull over his greasy hair.