The possibility of Eddie killing Cristian or Benny is nil. Eddie has a lower IQ than the rodents swarming the city’s alleys. He’ll die, and Cristian will stay in power. But that doesn’t mean Eddie won’t get his hands on Gigi before Cristian discovers his plan. I’ve heard a bodyguard follows her everywhere, yet she was alone during both our run-ins.

“Fuck the Marchettis,” Vinny says, raising his voice.

My brother is reckless. Not as much as Eddie, but still reckless.

I dread the day he assumes control when our father dies or steps down. Since Vinny is the eldest, the family will fall under his control. Having him in charge will lead our men to early graves.

Our father became don of the Lombardi family decades ago and worked hard to restore our reputation after my grandfather tarnished it. His alliance with Cristian and the other families is the best thing to happen in decades.

“Is it Luna’s brothel?” I swing the car door open.

We pay Madam Luna a substantial bonus for any reliable information brought our way from clients who frequent her business. Lucky for us, she has no issue discreetly planting cameras in the rooms.

Vinny cracks a smile. “Are you asking me to hunt down Eddie or because you want your dick sucked?”

I glower at him. “Just tell me which brothel.”

He levels his glare on me. “Luna’s, obviously. Like I’d go anywhere else.”

“Talk to Leandra and find out when Eddie will be there next.”

“I’ll need to go with you.”

Even though it’d earn me favor with Cristian if I informed him of Eddie’s plan, I want more than that.

I want his daughter.

And Eddie is my ticket to her.

Despite having a shit ton to do, I’ve spent all day tracking down Eddie, my prey for the day. I can’t wait to get my hands on the sleazebag.

I grab my phone when it rings, and Vinny’s name flashes on the screen.

“Leandra called,” he says as soon as I answer. “Eddie is at the brothel now, but we’re short on time. He’s panicking because someone told Cristian about his little plan.”

I jump up from my chair, snatch my pistol, and speed-walk out of my office at the casino. If Cristian knows Eddie wants to hurt Gigi, he’ll find him soon, so I need to beat him.

The melody of slot machines plays in the background as I charge toward the exit. My uncle Sonny attempts to stop me, muttering bullshit I can’t make out … nor do I care.

“Not now, Sonny.” I wave him away and ignore him while he continues talking behind me.

“Where are you?” I ask Vinny.

“Just pulled into the parking lot,” he replies. “Meet me at your car.”

I’ve developed an unhealthy obsession with Giana Marchetti.

And Eddie will die for it.

An armed man wearing slim glasses approaches my car. When I roll down my window, he crouches to get a better view inside.

“Sup, Maurice?” Vinny raises his chin.

Maurice calls out, “Good to go!” before granting us access into the underground parking lot. Cars that cost no less than six figures occupy the spaces.

I park, and a second guard stands at the entrance. Like Maurice, he doesn’t give us any hassle once he sees Vinny.

Luna’s brothel caters to the wealthiest and most influential citizens of New York City. It’s reputed for its discretion and top-level security.