“Dead.” There’s no sadness in his answer. No grief.

That should be red flag number five hundred.

“I can’t stay late,” he says, changing the subject. “I suggest you go to bed earlier tomorrow.”

“Who said I want to see you tomorrow?” I cross my arms. “I didn’t exactly invite you over tonight.”

“Wrong.” He thrums his fingers over his jawline. “You instructed me to find you in Italy.” He stands, grabbing my arm, and tugs me closer. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”

I gasp when he presses his thumb under my chin to raise my eyes to his.

He tips his head, running his lips along my messy hair. “I follow through when challenged. I always win.”

I shiver when his lips drift from my ear to my neck. He sucks along my jawbone, soft, then hard, then soft again, the sensation causing my body to heat in all the right places.

“Who …” I catch my breath. “Who said I want you to come back?”

“You can either let me in willingly, or I’ll find my own way in.”

“FYI, my bodyguard is here.”

“FYI, I don’t give a fuck.” He laughs callously, pausing his assault on my skin. “And don’t think I’m not aware of his separate cottage.” A tsk leaves him.

“He’ll sleep in here then.”

His mouth moves to my ear, and he bites into the cartilage. “You allow any other man to sleep here, bodyguard or not, I’ll slit his throat, tie you to the bed, and force his blood down your throat.”

I nudge his shoulder, but he doesn’t move an inch. “One rule, if I even consider allowing you to come back: you never touch Bruno, my aunt, or her husband.”

“I never said I’d kill him for shits and giggles. I said I’d kill him if he was in your bed. You’d be the reason for his death.”

“Isn’t that a bit extreme?” I ask when his wicked lips return to my neck. “I mean, we’ve hardly …”

“Hardly what?”

“Spent time together.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” He runs a single finger along my bottom lip. “You didn’t care about how much time we’d spent together when you were letting me taste your sweet pussy in the courtyard.”

My cheeks heat.

He lowers his hand, easing an object from his pocket, and just as I catch the flash of a knife, he cuts down the middle ofmy nightie. The nightie falls to the floor after he slides it off my shoulders.

I suck in a breath when he dips his cold hand inside my panties. He smirks arrogantly when he finds me drenched in need for him.

“Why did you come here, Antonio?” The question comes out in three labored breaths.

“For you.”

I curl my toes when his finger brushes my clit. “Why?”

He doesn’t answer.

At least not vocally.

He shows me.

He rips my panties down my legs and smashes his mouth to mine. I wrap my arms around his shoulders when his tongue slides inside my mouth.