So Benny is now on maid-of-honor walking duty.

The orchestra rendition of “Isn’t She Lovely” plays across the courtyard. I peer past Benny to find Amara gracefully parading down the aisle as the flower girl in her bright pink dress with butterflies. She’s been practicing her walk for weeks.

“You look amazing,” Benny tells me as Natalia loops her arm through his.

“Thank you,” I say.

Natalia smiles at me and blows my father a kiss, and Benny leads her toward the altar. Aunt Celine remains behind me to continue the role of train duty.

My father, dressed in a black tux, turns to face me. “You make a beautiful bride, Giana.”

I blush and say, “Thank you,” for what seems like the twentieth time today.

But this time, the compliment hits deeper. He was so against Antonio and me marrying, but he let that go for me.

He changed his every rule for the sake of my happiness, and I’ll always appreciate that.

“You deserve this love,” he adds in the softest tone I’ve ever heard him speak. He captures my hand in his while we look at the sky. “Your mother is here with us today. I can feel it.”

I blink away tears.

Why can’t he make me emotionalafterthe wedding so I don’t ruin my makeup?

He places a tender peck on my palm before linking our arms, and I choose not to mention the slight wetness in his eyes.

And people claim Monster Marchetti bears no humane feelings.

The “Bridal Chorus” begins, and I’ve never felt closer to my father as he escorts me down the aisle, taking his time. Family and friends—both Marchetti and Lombardi—surround us. Black and red roses are scattered along the pathway.

Rita worked a miracle, creating a seamless flow through the courtyard despite its twists and turns. My father’s unlimited budget also helped.

When I raise my gaze, I lock eyes with Antonio, stationed at the altar.

I’ve never felt so loved.

The two most important men in my life are putting their differences aside for my happiness.

There’s no better way to prove you love someone than that.

My gorgeous husband’s eyes overfill with emotion as we grow closer. He’s dressed in a vintage Italian tux I found in Italy during one of my dress-shopping trips. Many women in our world doubt their husband’s love, but that’ll never be a problem in my marriage.

Antonio has sacrificed for me.

He stole my heart when I was reluctant to give it to him.

Showed me that, yes, a Mafia princess can find love.

My father pauses and turns to kiss my cheek when we reach Antonio. Even though I made itveryclear he would shake Antonio’s hand when this moment came, my father doesn’t offer his hand. He groans when I softly nudge him. Pretty sure I’m the only person ever allowed to pull something so bold with him. No one reprimands the bride on her day.

My father extends his hand, and Antonio takes it, respect etched on his face. All eyes are on them. There’s been so much talk about my father approving our marriage, and he just gave it to us.

Two rival families brought together by a love story.

Only a woman could conquer such a thing.

My father takes his chair in the front row beside Benny. My brother has come around just as much as him. He won’t be making BFF bracelets with Antonio anytime soon, but they’re coexisting within the same space.

Damien is standing behind Antonio while Natalia is practically squealing inches from me. Aunt Celine releases my train, and I stand before Antonio.