But I love socializing.

Today is different though.

Antonio is picking up Amara and Clara from the airport. I haven’t seen Amara since Dante’s house, and I’m still upset at my father for not giving me the chance to tell her goodbye. We started forming a bond, and then I just … left.

I’ve yet to meet Clara—except for saying hi on FaceTime calls. She’s always been kind, but I don’t know her thoughts about me living with them. From what I’ve heard, she’s very protective of her granddaughter.

Damien relaxes in the leather chair, checking his watch. “My first suggestion: stop fucking pacing. It’s annoying.”

“Why should I take advice from a man marrying his ex-girlfriend’s cousin?” I swing my arm to gesture toward the area I was pacing. “Would you like the floor? It seems like pacing might be better suited for your problems.”

He glares at me.

I smirk.

Fuck around and find out, Damien.

So far, the time we’ve spent together hasn’t been a good one.

I’m so used to Bruno who—albeit a snitch at times—cracked a jokey joke sometimes.

All I’ve learned about Damien is, he’s incredibly loyal to Antonio, haskeeping it in the familyproblems, and doesn’t fully trust me.

He’s also attractive. Not as hot as my husband, but I can see why Pippa’s cousin wants to marry him. He has a solidly built body, created from genetics and plenty of time in the gym, and brown hair trimmed on the sides yet longer on the top. His eyes are a shade of yellow-green I’ve never seen before.

Oh, and he also takes care of Ace the snake. I almost lost it when Antonio told me they had to transfer Ace to Damien’s wing after Amara tried sneaking him into her bed so they could snuggle at night.

Damien flicks his hand through the air. “Go back to your anxiety before I shove you in my trunk and roll you out of it like old luggage at the Marchetti gates.” He throws his head back. “Amara is much better company.”

“What’s your plan with themarrying Pippa’s cousinproblem?”

Yesterday, I asked him to invite Pippa over. That’s probs why I’m so high on his shit list.

“What’syourplan withyour father wanting to kill your husbandproblem?”

“Maybe I’ll ask him to take you instead.”

“If that puts an end to your questions about my personal life, I’ll take it.”

We’re interrupted by the alarm firing off, and Damien rises to his feet. It shuts off seconds later, and Amara bursts into the room. One of her sandals flicks off her feet when she runs straight into Damien’s waiting arms.

“I’ve missed you, sweet girl,” Damien says, his gloomy mood gone with her.

She hugs me next and jumps up and down. “Gigi! I’m super-duper happy you’re here!”

“I’m super-duper happy to be here,” I reply.

My head spins. I didn’t eat all day since my stomach has been a ball of nerves. Amara and I had a good time at Dante’s, but I want her to like me.

When we separate, I find Clara standing next to Antonio and walk toward them. Antonio lowers his head and brushes a kiss to my lips. I extend my hand toward Clara, but she shakes her head.

I stare at her, panicked.

That panic doesn’t last long since she embraces me in a hug.

Her hug isn’t as tight or warm as Amara’s, but it sure beats a handshake.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Gigi,” she says, and her eyes are misty when she pulls back.