Her shoulders slump. “Poor thing. No wonder she’s pissed.” As if something dawns on her, she squishes her brows together. “They didn’t want you for marriage?”
I hold up my hand, showing off my ring the same way I did with Cernach. “Polygamy is illegal in New York, princess.”
“Even if it wasn’t, I’d shoot your dick off with that gun if you ever tried to have another wife.”
“That’s not a problem you’ll ever have to worry about.”
I sit on the chair and untie my shoes.
“I’m pretty sure Damien hates me more for eavesdropping.”
“Damien doesn’t hate you.”
“Well, he sure doesn’t like me.”
“He has trust issues.”
“And apparently, anI’m marrying my ex’s cousinissue as well.” She frowns. “I wish our marriage had been arranged forever ago.”
“That I agree with. Unfortunately, I had to resort to forcing you to marry me via gunpoint.”
“There’s never been a sexier wedding.” All of a sudden, her demeanor changes, and her face pales.
I kick my shoes aside and move to the bed, reaching across it to sweep a strand of loose hair from her face. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ll never have a real wedding,” she says, all the playfulness she had now gone.
“We can have another one.” I caress my thumb over her cheek.
Her face relaxes in my hold. “I don’t want a wedding where my father doesn’t walk me down the aisle.”
Fucking Cristian Marchetti.
I need to get him to stop acting like such a pain in the ass.
“We’ll figure something out, okay?” I tip my head forward to brush my lips over hers. “Maybe I’ll send him another dead body or something that’ll make him happy.”
She laughs, sniffling away a tear. “That or he does like cash.”
I chuckle, and this time, it’s my change of demeanor. “No sleep paralysis lately?”
She shakes her head. “It seems I have a husband who kills everyone who tries to hurt me, including spirits in my imagination.”
“And I’ll keep slaying every single one.”
“My murderous Prince Charming.”
“Has anyone ever said you give them anxiety?” Damien asks. “And this is coming from a guy who’s hardly ever anxious about anything.”
I stop in my tracks to peer at him. “My anxieties have anxieties, so absolutely.”
Since I’ve always enjoyed being a social butterfly, meeting people has never scared me.
Would I trust them? No.