All I can think about is Antonio.

I need to see him, hear his voice, and know he and Amara are safe.

Hell. A wife needs her damn husband.

My father, Natalia, and Benny are talking in the foyer when I return downstairs. Quietness falls over the room when they notice me. My father’s eyes are red, but since he has a permanent scowl of angriness, it just appears that he’s still, as always, pissed off at the world.

But today, I know it’s more than that.

“What’s going on?” Benny asks, his eyes dropping to my bag, but it doesn’t take him even a second for what’s happening to dawn on him. He shifts to face my father. “Are you kidding me?”

When my father doesn’t reply, he steps to me.

I tense when he attempts to snatch my bag from me and jerk it away.

“Let her go,” my father demands, and Benny freezes, taking a second before dropping the handle and retreating a step.

“Go where?To him?” Benny snaps in a way he’s never spoken to him before. “She’ll fucking die.”

I glare at him and clench both hands around the strap of my bag. “No, I won’t.”

“He doesn’t deserve you,” Benny snarls.

“No one does.” My father runs his hand along his mouth. “But we don’t get to make that choice for her. I made a promise to your mother, and I will keep it.” He sighs heavily, almost defeated, but his words are sharp. “But, Giana, you will not go unprotected. I’ll always have eyes on you, and if you need anything, you call me. I’ll be there by the first ring.”

I’m sobbing, breaking down as I come to the reality of what’s happening.

Natalia rushes forward and pulls me into a tight hug. “You call when you get there,” she says, crying. “No, you call when you leave the driveway, then when you get there, then after lunch, then after dinner.” When we pull apart, she holds me at arm’s length, smiles, and brushes away a tear. “You are my best friend. No matter what, I am here. I have your best interest at heart, and right now, I know this is what you need to be happy.”

I drop the bag to hug her better.


A silent promise that even though I’m leaving, I’m not turning my back on any of them.

Benny’s eyebrows pull together, causing his forehead to crease, before he kisses my cheek and holds me tight. Unlike Natalia, he doesn’t give me a speech. He and I have this unspoken sibling bond. For years, he’s been one of my biggest protectors. I know that won’t change.

My heart nearly breaks in two and falls at our feet when I reach my father.

This is what I’ve feared more than anything.

Leaving him. Disappointing him. Turning my back on our family.

No words can even express the sadness shattering through me. In order to be happy, I have to hurt those I love.

Like a filthy traitor.

And deep down, I’m terrified that’s also how my father sees it.

We’re Marchettis.

The notorious ride-or-die family, but now, I’m turning away from them. In my gut, I know I’m going in the right direction, but there’s still that fear I’ll drive right off a cliff.

My father clutches me tight, as if wanting to push common sense inside me.

A Marchetti doesn’t show sadness.

We hide emotions until they become angry.