“After what you pulled, we’ll never be on good terms.”

“Our families have lived harmoniously for years. We can do it again.” I hear the click of his gun.

Gunshots fill the air, and we instinctively duck to dodge them. Cristian’s surprised face confirms the shooter isn’t one of his men. I take off running, and when I round the corner, I spot Leo poking his head out the window of Damien’s SUV. He’s gripping his gun and shooting where Cristian had me cornered. Damien comes to a sudden stop, and I hastily open the passenger door before diving inside. He slams his foot on the gas, and we speed away, leaving Cristian in the dust as he shoots at us.

“Yeah,” I say, catching my breath as Damien weaves through traffic. “Shooting at my father-in-law will definitely put me on his good side.”

“The man wants to kill you either way, but we have bigger problems,” Leo says behind me before turning on the interior light.

I shift in my seat to find him with a beat-up man next to him.

“One of Sonny’s men flipped,” he says mockingly, staring at the man and raising a dark brow.

Flipped, my ass.

The motherfucker’s hands are bound, his eyes swollen, and blood is seeping from his stomach through his shirt. He chokes a few times while inhaling gasps of air to mask his pain.

Leo presses the Glock against the man’s head. “Tell him what you told me, and do it fast.”

His face tics. “Sonny knows where your daughter is.”


Just like my father, I can sense danger.

Okay, minus the time Antonio abducted me, but your girl was off her A game for a minute. Blame it on the excitement of meeting my baby brother.

I’m in the kitchen, refilling my water glass, when I hear a faint voice coming from the window overlooking the backyard. Unease washes through me when a shadow passes the walkway.

As carefully as I can, I settle the cup on the island and run to Amara’s room, where she’s reading bedtime stories with Eden. I round the corner so fast that I have to grip the doorframe to avoid stumbling.

“Eden,” I say in a hushed tone, “did Antonio ever tell you where to hide if there’s trouble?”

My heartbeat is racing so fast that I’m waiting for it to explode.

Her face pales, and she drops the book in her hand.

“Yes,” she says, peeking at a confused Amara.


“The basement.” She casts a glance at the doorway as if we’re already doomed.

Not that I blame her. It’s on the opposite side of the house. If someone is outside, they’ll see them going there.

I search the bedroom for the best hiding spot, but we have limited options. Most people don’t have the luxury of hidden passageways in their homes like I’m used to. My bedroom alone has two secret exits in case enemies ever breach the mansion.

The closet and underneath the bed are the only choices.

Andthe most obvious places for an intruder to search.

Amara flings off her blanket and jumps into Eden’s lap when a crash echoes through the house. She whimpers, tears falling down her cheeks, and Eden gently presses a finger to her lips.

“Closet,” I mouth to Eden before helping them off the bed. “Now.”

Eden holds Amara tight as I open the door and slide clothes down the rack to provide them with enough room. I push them inside and gulp as footsteps grow loud.

I dip my head into the closet. “Does Dante have a gun here?”