I can credit that to Antonio fucking me into exhaustion and then snuggling with me after.

Fun fact: Antonio Lombardi is the big spoon.

Hell, am I even considered a captive anymore?

I’m sure if I asked Eden to borrow her phone, she’d probably let me. But that’d create problems between her and Antonio. I need to figure out a plan to contact my father without anyone else knowing.

The bed is empty when I wake up. I didn’t hear Antonio leave this morning. Yawning, I crawl out of bed and find a stack of clothes on the chair.

Apparently, I didn’t hear whoever delivered the clothes either.

I change into a pair of joggers and a sweater that hangs off one shoulder. When I leave the bedroom, I follow voices into the kitchen. Eden is loading the dishwasher and talking to someone. As I step around the corner, I see a young girl sitting across from her.

“These marshmallows are my favorite,” she chirps and then shoves a bite of cereal into her mouth.

I gulp and run my hands down my sweater before entering the kitchen and making my presence known. Their attention whips to me.

“Good morning,” Eden greets with a grin.

I return the smile. “Morning.”

“Who are you?” the girl asks.

“She’s my friend,” Eden tells her.

“You’re pretty.” The girl, whose dark hair is a wild mess on top of her head, perks up in her seat. “I’m Amara. What’s your name?”

I shyly wave at her. “Gigi.”

Meeting your boyfriend’s—er,husband’s—daughter might be more nerve-racking than meeting the parents. And that’s saying something, considering his father attempted to kill my brother.

“Gigi,” Amara says, tilting her head and pausing as if thinking. “My daddy likes that name. Whenever I ask him what his favorite name is, he always says Amara. But when I askwhat hissecondfavorite is, he always says Gigi.” She doesn’t understand how big of a deal her words are. “I like your name too. That might be my second favorite.” She turns her head to look at Eden. “Well, you and Gigi are a tie!”

Swear to God, my heart lights up in my chest.

“Are you hungry?” Eden asks.

“Have Lucky Charms with me!” Amara bursts out, patting the stool next to her. “Auntie Eden lets me eat them all the time!” She holds up her spoon and cheekily grins.

“I’d love to have Lucky Charms with you.” I shuffle into the kitchen, pour a bowl, and sit beside her.

I hate whenever Antonio leaves without saying goodbye or telling me where he’s going. Hell, I hate when he leaves,period, because there’s always a chance he won’t come back. Each day we spend together, the anxiety of him being taken away from me heightens. Sure, he never leaves with the intent of dying, but his life is so reckless and volatile.

I love Antonio.

There’s no better word to describe my feelings for him.

I’ve always known he was the man for me, but I tried convincing myself it was purely physical since I was too chickenshit to admit it.

He’s the Romeo to my Juliet—minus the dying part, hopefully.

“Oh, your ring is so pretty!” Amara says, breaking me away from my thoughts. “Did you get that from Daddy?” She rotates in her chair and is practically on her knees to get a better look at my finger. “He bought one just like it before and said it was for someone special!” She’s beaming over the fact she knows this.

I blush.

Amara also provides an element Antonio needs in this life.
