“But I am generous enough to allow you to speak with her.” Antonio positions the phone near my mouth but refuses to let me hold it.

“Hi, Daddy,” I say loudly in the speaker.

“Gigi, are you okay?” His voice is frantic.

I fiddle with my hands in my lap. “Yes, I’m fine.”

“Where are you?”

Antonio shoots me a sharp look. If I tell my father even one clue, I’ll be signing his death certificate.

“I have no idea.” Technically, it’s the truth. I don’t know where the cabin is.

“Has he hurt you?”

“No,” I quickly reply. If anything will put him somewhat at ease, it’s that.

Antonio lowers his head and speaks clearly. “I told you, I’m protecting her. Now, you’ve learned she’s safe.” He abruptly ends the call.

The ringtone is annoying as it blares through the room. Antonio ignores it.

“Hey!” I make a grab for the phone, but he yanks it away. “I wasn’t finished talking to him.”

He tucks the phone into his pocket. “I don’t care.”

I cross my arms. “Was thepresentElijah’s body?”

“Why does it matter?” He scratches his cheek.

“Uh, because he was my fiancé.”

His eyes narrow at my last word. “He was just as much as your fiancé as I am a good man.”

“Killing him only created more problems for you. Like my father said, there’s another family who wants you dead.”

“Also like your father said, the more, the merrier.”

“You’re seriously fucked up in the head.”

“And you love it, so what’s that say about you?” He raises a brow.

“Elijah didn’t deserve to die for agreeing to marry me.”

He flicks his hand through the air. “Spare me the trying-to-make-me-feel-bad bit. It won’t work.”

“His family at least deserves his body.”

“I owe them nothing.”


“Elijah was a coward willing to trade your life to save his,” he seethes, as if vividly remembering every detail of what happened in the living room. “He was also a coward when I murdered his brother.”

“Wait.” I grimace, holding up a hand, and scoot a few inches away from him. “You murdered his brothertoo?”

“Years ago.” He stretches out his arms, curls his hands around my ankles, and jerks me back to where I was.

I shudder when he runs his thumb along my heel and massages it. His hands are chillingly cold, but the way he’s kneading my skin feels amazing.