“I’ll do that laterifyou let me call my dad.” I grin.

“I don’t play well with extortion.”

“Do you play well with your dick in my mouth?” My cheeks pinken at my response.

My question is asking for trouble, and the intensity in Antonio’s eyes confirms it. As tempting as that sounds, I need tostop talking about dick sucking because the phone call holds a higher priority.

“Just a quick call, Antonio. That’s all I’m asking for.”

He stares at me in deep contemplation on whether he can trust me.

I pout my lower lip.

“Don’t try anything sneaky.” He pulls a flip phone from his pocket. “Otherwise, I’ll confine you in this room and never let you leave.”

“Who, me?” I innocently press my palm flat on my chest.

He doesn’t appreciate my humor as he hits a name on the phone and puts the call on speaker.

My father answers after two rings.

“Marchetti,” Antonio says nonchalantly, as if they were about to hold a simple convo about the weather. Not my hostage situation.

“The bastard I’ll kill soon,” my father unsurprisingly snarls.

I shut my eyes, hating the reality of his statement. Eventually, Antonio will face his wrath, and no one has survived that fury. It’s not a question ofif. It’swhen.

“You mean your son-in-law?” Antonio corrects, all businesslike.

I wince and glare at him.

First, he needs to play nice.

Second,son-in-law? What the fuck?

Then I remember Leo told me my father knew about my marriage. At the time, I wasn’t sure whether to believe him. I mean, you can’t trust someone who says they don’t have a favorite TV show.

“You signed your death wish when you took my daughter,” my father replies.

I gulp, appearing more stressed about the threat than Antonio does.

“Did you like the picture I sent?” Antonio asks. “Consider it a present. I even wrapped it in a bow for you.”

Present?I mouth to Antonio.What present?

“I’d have preferred it was your dead body,” my father fires back.

“Body?” I hiss, launching forward to smack Antonio’s arm.

He ignores me while keeping his attention on the phone.

“But no worries, Lombardi,” my father continues. “I informed Elijah’s family you murdered him, so now, you have another family wanting to kill you. The more, the merrier for me.” He tsks. “Now, if you bring Gigi to me right fucking now, I’ll call them off.”

He’s such a liar.

Antonio shakes his head. “That’s off the table.”
