He side-eyes me as if doubting I have that kind of empathy in my heart.

Geesh, he’s been around heartless men for too long.

He rubs his forehead, clearly not wanting to chat about his family. Well,anythingreally.

“So …” I tap my nails against my glass. “What made you choose Antonio’s side instead of Sonny’s?”

He shrugs stoically. “Antonio is rightfully next in line. My mother raised me to have loyalty. Antonio is my cousin and the rightful boss of our family.” He scowls at me. “You’re an awfully chatty prisoner.”

“So I am a prisoner?” I raise a brow.

“You’re Antonio’s obsession.” He clears his throat. “Hiswifenow.”

My lips part at that reality.

I still haven’t fully processed it.

“When can I talk to my family?” I hold up my hand, showing off my ring. “I need to tell them I’m a married woman.”

“Oh, they already know.” For the first time, Leo smirks.


“Antonio sent your father a message.”

“Did that message include a dead body?”

He doesn’t answer.

I throw my head back. “Oh, come on. I’m Antonio’s wife now. Shouldn’t that mean you should have loyalty to me too?”

“My loyalty to you is keeping you alive. That’s all.”

I chug my orange juice, stand, and stomp to the kitchen for a refill.

If Antonio doesn’t want me to play the pain-in-the-ass hostage, he needs to answer some questions.


I’ve always said there’s no way I can survive without my phone, but here I am, surviving.

Surviving yet bored out of my mind.

Leo isn’t exactly the president of great conversation and has the worst response to my questions.

“What’s your favorite show?” I ask.

He glares at me. “I don’t watch TV.”

“Can we go out for mimosas and brunch?”

“There’s food in the kitchen.”

“Can you DoorDash me sushi?”

He completely ignores me.

Defeated, I retreat to the kitchen to tragically make something myself … and hopefully not burn the cabin down with me stuck inside.