“Really?” I stare at him in disbelief. “I could easily scream right now.”

I should scream right now.

“Yourfiancéis tied up in my trunk,” he says, his voice devoid of emotion. “You scream, I’ll kill him. I also put a bomb in your brother’s car that will go off if you don’t get in mine in the next five seconds. Do you want them to die?” He jerks his chin toward his car. “Your choice, princess.”

Oh, this manipulative motherfucker has finally resorted to manipulating me.

I’ve become one of his many puppets.

“Now,” he yells. “And leave all your shit in the car.”

I hold my palms toward him in surrender and walk to his car. He trails me so close that his chest grazes my back before opening the passenger door and motioning for me to get in. I huff while dropping in the seat, and he slams the door behind me.

I’ve officially become the easiest kidnapping victim in history.

Hell, I made it so simple for him.

But he knows my weaknesses.

Knows how to make me surrender to him.

Like a starved person lured into a trap by a warm meal.

“You’d better not be fucking lying,” I sneer, yanking the seat belt across my body when he joins me in the car.

He slams his foot on the gas, and we speed out of the parking lot.

“When have I ever lied to you?” he finally asks when we’re out of sight from the hospital.

I scoff. “I don’t know if you’veeverbeen honest with me.” Crossing my arms, I glare at him and slap my leg. “Kidnapped by my ex-boyfriend. What a way to ruin a good day.”

What a fucking lunatic.

Typical Lombardi.

I should’ve listened to the gossip to never trust one.

And to kidnap Elijah?

What the actual fuck?

He interrupts my thoughts. “I love that you refer to me as your ex-boyfriend.”

“I hate you,” I hiss.

“No, you don’t.”

“Just wait until my father finds out about this. You won’t make it past a day of having me.”

He clicks the turn signal and cuts a right.

At least my kidnapper follows traffic laws.

“I’m serious, Antonio. He’ll kill you.” I twist in my seat, looking in the back, as if I have X-ray vision to see if Elijah is in the trunk. “And in case you didn’t know, Elijah’s family is also dangerous.”

“You don’t want to marry Elijah.”

I roll my eyes. “And why is that?”