“Scream again or try to fight, and I’ll blow a hole through your brain,” I warn.

“Why …” he stutters. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because Gigi Marchetti is mine.” I push him forward. “Get dressed.”

Eddie whimpers while grabbing his clothes.

I call for Vinny, and he joins us, resembling a kid coming to finish their chores. He pulls zip ties and tape from his pocket and helps me restrain Eddie.

Eddie doesn’t fight us while we drag him to the back door, where Leandra waits by her car. She pops the trunk and helps us roll Eddie’s body into it. He stares at me with wide, pleading eyes and a taped mouth right before I slam it shut.

“Thanks, baby.” Vinny hands Leandra a stack of cash in exchange for the car keys.

“Anything for you.” She kisses his cheek.

He smacks her ass, and she squeals before strolling into the brothel.

“It would’ve been easier for us to just shoot him,” Vinny comments as we drive to the warehouse.

“Killing him won’t get me what I want,” I reply.

My pitiful pawn can’t die yet.

Just because I can’t kill Eddie yet doesn’t mean I can’t beat the shit out of him.

Eddie sits in a chair, shoulders slumped, whimpering like a child in time-out in the same spot Norman did. His gaunt face is covered in blood, his front tooth missing, and his stained shirt is ripped down the middle, exposing the letterLthat I carved into his chest with my switchblade.

When I finally call Cristian, he answers on the third ring.

“I have something for you,” I tell him.

Vinny, standing in the corner, lowers his phone and tells the person on the other line he’ll call them back.

“What’s that?” Cristian asks, unimpressed.

I look at Eddie, who’s struggling to hold himself up. “Eddie Polorono.”

“Bring him to me.” It’s a demand, not a request.

“Before I do that, we need to discuss business. A thank-you for my service.”

“Quit wasting my time and name your price.”

I lick my lips. “I want a contract.”


“A marriage contract.”

“A marriage contract?” he repeats slowly.

“Yes, like the contract you signed with Severino Cavallaro.”

“Unfortunately, you’re too late. My contract with Severino marries Benny to his daughter, sohe’sunavailable for marriage.”

“Gigi is available, correct?”

“No.” There isn’t a second of hesitation from him.