Page 74 of HateMates

I reach over the table. “I’ll finish your plate if you don’t—”

She slaps my hand away. “Hands to yourself, Megatron.”

I shake my head, concealing my smile, and take another bite of pasta.

“So, what other things did you learn in the military?” she asks around a full mouth. The corner of my mouth lifts at the sauce smeared on the side of her mouth. “What?”

“You have…” I lean over and brush my thumb along her lip, “some gross sauce.”

“Hmmm…” is all she says. Her eyes gloss over as they follow my finger. She’s hungry all right—and not for the meal I cooked her. “Okay, spill the beans. Tell me some government stuff you learned in Iraq. Is the wholeSaving Private Ryanthing true? Loved that movie.”

“Well, since I wasn’t alive during World War II, I wouldn’t know. I also have no idea if the movie is based on true events.”

“No? That’s too bad. It was really good. What aboutG.I. Joe? The one with Channing Tatum—”

“Gonna stop you there, babe. That shit is all made up. You wanna know how it really was, watch documentaries. They’ll at least give you a realistic visual of what goes on out there.”

“So, no Channing Tatum? But, for real, did you like it—I mean, was it bad? You obviously didn’t hate it since you did two tours.”

I fill my mouth with another bite, debating how to answer her. “War isn’t fun. You have to be a certain breed to be able to do what you’re trained to do while accepting that nothing prepares you for the shit you see. Death comes with the territory. And that isn’t for the weak.”

“Why’d you go back for another tour?”

“I had nothing to come home to. Everyone in my unit re-enlisted. Since they were my family, I went back.” She gazes back at me, the wheels in her head spinning. “What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”

Her shoulders rise in a thoughtful shrug. “Just that I wish I knew you before all this.”

That answer intrigues me. “Why’s that? Would you have saved me?”

Another shrug. “Maybe. I definitely would have kicked your ex-girlfriend’s ass.” That makes me smile. “I’m serious. She was such a selfish hussy. She got to live her life, and what did you get? Prison and war.”

“I made that choice. That’s not on her.”

“It is. She could have done the right thing. How could her parents allow her to do that? How could yours?”

“My mom was long gone, and my dad was a drunk. Killed himself with booze while I was in jail. That’s what I was told, anyway. And her parents did what they thought was right.”

“Which was what? It doesn’t seem like they did anything.” I love that she’s angry on my behalf. It has my dick aching to slide into her in appreciation.

“They tried to pay me off.”

“They tried towhat?” she squeals.

“Her father came to me just before the trial. I’d already made up my mind and wasn’t going to turn back or change my statement. They wanted to make sure I didn’t. So, they created a trust in my name. One-point-five million dollars only I can access.” Her eyes widen in shock.

“They tried to blackmail you into keeping quiet?”

“Yes and no. Thought by giving me the money, I would have to stick to my word. Rich girl, poor boyfriend, they assumed it was what I was after.”


“I’m not even sure Jacie knew about it.”

“And the money? What did you do with it?”


“What do you mean?”