“Oh, I’m going to do more than kiss him.” I open the car door and slide out, slamming it behind me, and walk up to Vince. “Hey! You look amazing!” Leaning in, I wrap my hand around his neck and plant my lips on his.That’s right. I win. Take that.The kiss doesn’t last long, and fuck, there’s absolutely zero spark.
“Hey, yourself. Uh…ready to go in?”
“Yep.” I grab his arm and allow him to escort me inside without bothering to look back for Tate. If he’s smart, he’ll turn around and go home.
The waitress seats us and takes our drink order.
“No tequila tonight?” I ask when he orders a beer.
“Wanted to order something lighter so I can give you my full attention.” I blush at the sweet comment. Our drinks arrive, and Vince orders us appetizers. “So, how’ve you been? Have things died down with the investigation?”
I take a sip of my wine. “Yes and no. They found the guy who attacked me—well, they know who he is but haven’t been able to track him down.”
“Yeah, so who knows. It’s in the police’s hands now. At this point, it’s over. It’s been quiet the last week. I think he’s moved on. Maybe I should, too.”
The waitress returns with plates of food. “Wow, this looks delicious.”
“The carpaccio is my favorite. Have you ever had it?”
“You’re gonna love it. Here. Try a bite. You have to pair it with the capers and lemon.” He twirls the fork, offering it to me. I lean in and open my mouth, allowing him to place the bite on my tongue.
“Holy shit, that’s amazing.”
“Right?” He hands me a plate, and we continue with small talk. The first part of dinner feels a bit forced, but I blame it on knowing Tate is watching me. As the second glass of wine goes down, I relax and start to truly enjoy his company.
“So, tell me about work. Any more crazy stories?”
“If that didn’t want to make me change professions…” Vince chuckles. “Things have been good. A bit slow. But this time of year always is. I hustle at the beginning and year’s end to balance sales.”
“What’s the biggest house you’ve sold?”
“Hmmm… I’d have to think. I work mostly in typical tenement housing. Nothing crazy like you see on million-dollar mansion shows. What I wouldn’t give to see that kind of income.”
“What I wouldn’t give tolivein one of those. Never say never, right?”
He lifts his glass and clinks it to mine. “I’ll cheers to that.” He grants me his dimples, and I remember how much I liked his smile. We order dinner, and he asks me about the bar and my life while I keep my answers vague. He doesn’t let off knowing anything about my past job, so I don’t bring it up. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom. When I exit, Tate is leaning against the wall, looking like dessert.
“Enjoying yourself?”
I straighten my miniskirt, chills spreading down my legs under his gaze. “I am. Thanks for asking.” It takes everything in me not to lick my bottom lip. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my date.”
He doesn’t stop me, but the intensity of his stare heats my back. It’s almost enough to cause my legs to tremble as I walk away. When I return to my seat, my skin feels like it’s on fire. I take a long sip of my water and keep going, chugging the whole glass.
I smile. “The wine must be making me warm. Dinner was great, by the way.”
“I’m glad you liked it. And I’m really glad you called.”
“Me too.” My phone buzzes, and I open my clutch to peek at the screen.
Tate: Do you really think he knows how to handle a woman like you?”
I look around but don’t see him.